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Not voting for ANYone NOT: 1) Masking; 2) Actively fighting for 🦠protections; 3) Loudly opposing genocide. I probably don’t like you if so I can def prove why.

Feb 23, 2022, 8 tweets

Well what in the bigoted extremist, white Christian nationalist, “Domestic Terrorist!,” #Charlatan4CUSD book-burning bullshit hell is this, @Kateyaz1?

Youth mental health?

Social justice?

Anyone else think this smells a tad grift-ey to you…?

@barktechco @CommonSense @CommonSenseEd is this a good look for an “ambassador,” or someone on your advisory board?

Is a bigot known for peddling anti-mask/anti-Vaxx conspiracy theories a good fit for your “wellness” brand, Katey?

What about when that same extremist zealot is known for running with the anti-science/anti-Vaxx crowd, and making false claims to stir up the vaccine-mandate conspiracy theory base she’s counting on to vote for her? Is this on brand for you, Katey?

Does jumping on the “attack the Black woman on the board” bandwagon with a false claim about a social media post fit in with your “social justice” work, Katey?

(Or if you prefer we could cut the BS and just call it what it was: a racist lying so other racists would like her. Sooooo much social justice!)

“Childhood advocate” you say, Katey?

So how does hanging with transphobic asshole fit into all of … that…? Or should that be filed under your “social justice” work?

EVERYONE knows what a scheming, bigoted pig #Charlatan4CUSD is. She routinely stands up and tells the entire internet who she is, who she hangs with, and what she is about.

I guess you just did, also…?

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