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Feb 23, 2022, 7 tweets

Ukrainian President Zelenskiy says he tried to call Putin today, but he did not respond… via @BNONews #Ukraine

President Zelensky: in case you will cross our borders of Ukraine we will defend our country… via @EuromaidanPR #Ukraine

President Zelensky to Russian citizens(speaking in Russian language): almost 200 000 of your troops on the border between us, your government ordered them to move, on the territory of other country

President Zelensky to Russian: you were told we are Nazis, but how the people spent 8M lives could be Nazis? how could be I the Nazi? - tell this to my grandpa, who walked the whole war(WW2) as Soviet soldier but died in Independent Ukraine

President Zelensky to Russians: you were told I ordered to attack Donbas, me? who walked Artema street in Donetsk during Euro? me? who has the best friend from Luhansk?

President Zelensky to Russians: we do not need war, not cold, not hot, not hybrid. If you attack us - you will see our faces, not backs. Thousands will die

President Zelensky to Russians: I believe there humans among you, civil society, real people. I understand this appeal will not be shown on Russian TV, but if Russian government doesn't want to talk - I believe Russian people wants to talk

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