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Feb 24, 2022, 10 tweets

Putin announces Russian military operation in Ukraine with explosions heard in Kyiv and other parts of the country.

Weeks of diplomacy to avert war and sanctions on Russia failed to deter Putin, who has massed over 150,000 troops on the Ukraine border

#BREAKING Explosions heard in Kharkiv, a major Ukrainian city just south of the Russian border, after Russia's President Vladimir Putin launched a military operation.

Ukrainian forces in the city have been battling Moscow-backed insurgents since 2014

#BREAKING Military 'will do everything in its power to defend' the country, says Ukrainian foreign ministry

#BREAKING Ukraine leader says Russia conducting strikes 'on our military infrastructure' -- Russia says targeting Ukraine military facilities with 'precision' weapons

#BREAKING Ukraine leader introduces martial law - urges Ukrainians not to 'panic', vows victory

#BREAKING Air raid sirens sound off in centre of Kyiv: @AFP

#BREAKING EU chief Ursula von der Leyen denounces Russia's attack on Ukraine and vows to hold Moscow "accountable".

"In these dark hours, our thoughts are with Ukraine and the innocent women, men and children as they face this unprovoked attack and fear for their lives"

#BREAKING Ukraine under attack along Russia, Belarus borders: border guards

Explosions have been heard and air raid sirens sounded in cities across Ukraine after Russia announced a military operation into the country.

@AFP correspondents have seen citizens in Kyiv heading to underground metro stations to take shelter, as authorities declare martial law

VIDEO: Independence Square in Kyiv as air raid sirens sound off.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a military operation in Ukraine on Thursday with explosions heard soon after across the country

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