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Bloomberg @Business reporter covering energy & commodities in Singapore. Topics include natural gas, LNG, power, nuclear. Opinions my own ブルームバーグ通信社シンガポール支局記者

Feb 24, 2022, 9 tweets

European natural gas prices surge 41% (!) after Russian forces attacked targets across Ukraine 📈

⚠️ Supply disruption feared after the West vowed further sanctions
💸 Dutch TTF jumped to 125 euros/MWh (nearly $40/mmbtu), the highest level in 2 months…

Around a third of Russia’s gas to Europe typically flows via Ukraine, and analysts have said any escalation of the conflict may disrupt those flows.

“In the event of prolonged disruption, gas inventory couldn’t be rebuilt through the summer,” Woodmac's Filippenko said

Ukrainian state company Naftogaz says all the facilities of its gas transportation system are operating as usual so far and that natural gas is being supplied in the required amounts…

European gas prices are at a two-month high, and well above normal for this time of year


🇩🇪 German power for March reached 260 euros a megawatt-hour, the highest since Jan. 7
🪨 European coal for next year gained as much as 13% to $145 a ton on ICE Futures Europe

🥇 Gold surged to its highest level in more than a year after Russia ordered troops into Ukraine, as bullion plays its traditional role as a harbor amid geopolitical upheaval

European natural gas prices extend rally 📈📈📈

Dutch TTF natural gas futures gained as much as 47%, the most since since at least 2005, in their fourth-straight daily advance

Trading at about $41/mmbtu right now…

European natural gas price rally continues

Dutch TTF futures trading at 134 euros/mwh, or $44/mmbtu

(They’re still a tad below record high of ~187 euros)

European natural gas prices now trading at the equivalent of $46/mmbtu

That’s pretty high

As expected, Asian LNG prices surged amid Russia disruption fears

European gas prices surged on Thursday, which will boost global competition for a finite amount of spot LNG. Asian buyers will need to increase bids to attract LNG shipments from the Atlantic

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