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Feb 24, 2022, 107 tweets

🇱🇹Lithuania has become the latest country in Europe to impose a state of emergency after the Russian invasion of Ukraine…

🇩🇪Germany is boosting its defence to ward off any possible surges in cyberattacks, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has said…

🇷🇺Banks in Moscow are running out of foreign currency.

Sberbank, Russia’s biggest bank, in a statement called on Russia not to panic-withdraw funds…

🇧🇪Belgium wants the European Union to stop issuing visas to all Russian citizens, including students, workers and tourists, the asylum minister said.

"Russia's reckless attack forces us to be careful with Russians wishing to come to Belgium"…

🇪🇺The European Union's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has said the EU is assessing the "strongest", "harshest package" of sanctions it had ever considered…

🚨Ukraine is being hit by a "second wave of missile strikes", an advisor to Volodymyr Zelensky has said.

Belarus has now closed part of its airspace for civilian flights…

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss says she has summoned the Russian ambassador to explain Moscow's actions.

"We will be imposing severe sanctions and rallying countries in support of Ukraine"…

🔴Boris Johnson is preparing to announce a package of sanctions today.

Plans to target Russian defence, energy and chemical companies as well as more oligarchs close to the Kremlin have been worked up in coordination with European and US allies…

🚨Black smoke has been seen rising from the Ukrainian defence ministry in Kyiv, according to eyewitnesses…

➡️Nato envoys have agreed to beef up air, land and sea forces on its eastern flank near Ukraine and Russia…

🗣️"It came with no warning at all, no sirens or anything," said Yevgeny, A Ukrainian soldier on guard when the attack began.

"The first mortars hit about 60 or 70 metres inside the wire and then came the aviation and everything else"…

🚨Vladimir Putin has appeared to threaten nuclear strikes if any country tries to attack Russia in retaliation.

In a chilling warning, he said the “consequences” of any attempt to strike back would provoke a response “never seen in history”…

The Kremlin has said its operation in Ukraine will last "as long as necessary".

➡️In a statement, Moscow said it aims to "cleanse and liberate" Ukraine of "Nazi's" and they are not talking about an occupation of the country…

🔴At least 18 people have been killed in the Ukrainian city of Odessa as a result of a missile attack, regional authorities have announced…

🗣️Refugee International said the Russian invasion of Ukraine created a crisis "that risks displacement and suffering on a scale that could surpass any seen in Europe in decades"

🔴Home Secretary Priti Patel has said officials are on alert for cyber attacks and disinformation campaigns from Moscow…

🔴Nato Secretary general has said peace in Europe has been "shattered", reports our Brussels correspondent @Barnes_Joe…

🗣️"Russia is using force to try to rewrite history and deny Ukraine of its free and independent path" said Jens Stoltenberg…

🔴Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has compared Russia's invasion of his country to military campaigns carried out by Nazi Germany during World War II…

🔴French President Emmanuel Macron will address France today about Russia's attack on its neighbour Ukraine…

🔴Russian helicopters have attacked Gostomel, a military airport near the capital of Kyiv, and Ukraine downed three of them, Ukrainian officials have said…

🗣️"There are no Nato combat troops at all inside of Ukraine, we have made it clear we don’t have any plans or intensions of deploying Nato troops to Ukraine," Jens Stoltenberg has said…

🔴Uefa are to hold an emergency meeting on Friday to "evaluate the situation" concerning Russia's invasion of Ukraine…

Manchester City and Ukraine star Oleksandr Zinchenko has responded to the Russian invasion of his homeland with a blazing verbal assault on Vladimir Putin, reports our Chief Sports reporter @JWTelegraph…

🔴The Polish press has reported that the first refugees have started to come into Poland…

🔴Boris Johnson is addressing the nation in a pre-recorded address. We will bring you all the latest updates👇…

🔴Ukrainian border guards have said that Russian forces have "broken into the Kyiv region"…

Boris Johnson spoke to President Zelensky shortly after 4am this morning 👇

"It's an attack on democracy and freedoom," says Boris Johnson

🇺🇦The Ukraine Foreign Ministry has begun evacuating the Ukrainian embassy in Moscow.

The temporary charge d’affaires for Ukraine in Russia has also been recalled back to Kyiv for consultations…

🔴Ukrainian army told to 'inflict maximum losses'
🔴Mass exodus as Ukraine hit with missile strikes
🔴Boris Johnson to announce 'intense' sanctions

Here's everything you need to know so far👇…

🇭🇺Hungary condemns Russia's military attack on Ukraine, Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said.

He said Hungary would provide humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and was prepared to receive people fleeing Ukraine…

🗣️Ursula von der Leyen says Europe is at a "watershed moment"

“What is at stake is not just Donbas, not just Ukraine… but the whole international order.”

“Putin chose to bring war back to Europe”…

🚨Kyiv claims to have taken two Russian soldiers prisoner.

They have released photographs of the alleged capture…

🔴Three Russian helicopters shot down in attack on airbase near Kyiv

🔴18 people killed in Odessa missile strike

🔴Ukrainian military plane with 14 on board crashed near Kyiv

🔴Ukraine says 40 soldiers have died so far, plus 50 "Russian occupiers"…

🚨Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine is gathering momentum.

Britain's Ministry of Defence says Russia has launched "more than 80 strikes" against targets in Ukraine…

🇪🇺Ursula von der Leyen has said the European Union is prepared and willing to host refugees fleeing the conflict in Ukraine.

“Explicit contingency plans are in place to welcome and host immediately those refugees from Ukraine”…


Join @SheridanDani, @mutazamd, @FrancisDearnley and @djknowles22 as they discuss the latest updates on the #RussiaUkraineConflict…

➡️The Russian invasion of Ukraine may have to be stopped "militarily", Boris Johnson has suggested.

He did not specify what military action may be needed or by whom…

🗣️Russia is open to discussions of the security “initiatives” proposed by Moscow with foreign partners, Andrei Klimov has said.

“Russia is ready for the negotiation process, but this must be a negotiation of equal partners"…

🔴The preparation of material concerning the “situation” in Luhansk and Donetsk “must use information and data taken only from official Russian sources”, the Russian government's communication department has said…

⚠️Russian authorities have warned anti-war sympathisers from gathering for protests.

The Investigative Committee in a statement warned Russians of legal repercussions for joining unsanctioned protests related to "the tense foreign political situation"…

🚨President Zelensky has announced an “anti-Putin coalition” with the heads of the EU, Austria, France and Turkey which aims to provide “concrete sanctions and concrete assistance for our military”…

🔴Joe Biden is under fire in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine.

He has been accused by political opponents of having emboldened Vladimir Putin…

❌Petrol stations in Ukraine have begun rationing fuel at the pump due to the martial law.

The country's two major chain of petrol stations said on Thursday one car will be allowed only 20 litres each…

🔴From shelling in Mariupol, to helicopter air attacks in Kyiv and air strikes in Odessa, the geographical scale of the invasion has rapidly grown…

Russia has said that its military had destroyed more than 70 military targets including 11 airfields in Ukraine.

Igor Konashenkov, a defence ministry spokesman, said a Ukrainian military helicopter and four drones had also been shot down…

🚨Russian troops have taken Antonov airport, situated just 25km outside Kyiv.

Airborne troops were filmed on the ground patrolling the perimeter of the airport after having seized the airport…

Nato forces on the eastern flank 👇…

🇱🇻Latvia has announced it will cease issuing visas for all Russian nationals.

It has recalled its ambassador to Moscow for consultations, the Latvian foreign ministry has said…

🇨🇿The Czech Republic has announced it will cease issuing visas for all Russian nationals, becoming the second European nation to do so after Latvia…

🔴Chernobyl under attack from Kremlin forces, says Kyiv…

🔴US President Joe Biden is set to address the world at 5.30pm London time, the White House has announced…

❌Lithuania's largest grocery retailer Maxima said it will remove goods of Russian and Belarussian origin from its shelves…

🔴Ukrainians flee the country…

🔴The mayor of Ukraine's capital of Kyiv has ordered a curfew in comments shown on television after Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine…

🔴A group of Brazilian footballers who play in Ukraine pleaded for help in leaving the country, saying Russia's invasion had left them stranded in a Kyiv hotel where they sought refuge…

🔴Moscow has vowed to respond in kind to "unfriendly" European Union sanctions imposed over Russia's invasion of Ukraine…

🔴The Ukrainian ambassador to the UK Vadym Prestaiko has called upon Nato to send troops to Ukraine, saying that “they are the only forces in the globe who can stop the mighty Red Army”…

📸A column of Russian army trucks approaches the Perekop checkpoint on the Ukrainian border…

The Russian invasion of Ukraine intends to decapitate the country's government and install a new leadership allied to Moscow, a senior US defence official said today…

🔴A Ministry of Defence intelligence update at 4pm said Russian troops based in Belarus were moving towards Kyiv…

Moscow's ambassador to the UK was berated by Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, who told him the invasion of Ukraine had made Russia an "international pariah" that would suffer vast costs…

🔴The Group of Seven most industrialised nations condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine as an "unprovoked and completely unjustified attack", saying it jeopardised global stability…

Oksana Markarova, Ukrainian ambassador to US, says Russia has attacked hospitals in Ukraine and a fight is ongoing for control of the Chernobyl nuclear station, reports @Josiensor…

🔴Ukraine's ambassador to the UK has called on Nato to impose a no-fly zone over his country as he said "people are dying as we speak" in the pushback against Russia…

🔴Boris Johnson is set to deliver a statement in the Commons on Russia invading Ukraine.

Watch it live 👇

European Union leaders meeting on Thursday will agree to impose further sanctions on Russia that would have "massive and severe" consequences for Moscow, according to a draft of their summit conclusions…

🔴Ukrainians are launching a fierce defence of their country, says Boris Johnson.

He adds that Vladimir Putin will never be able to cleanse the blood of Ukraine from his hands…

Boris Johnson has said Vladimir Putin is a "blood-stained aggressor who believes in imperial conquest."

He was "always determined to attack his neighbour, no matter what we did", the Prime Minister told MPs…

🔴Boris Johnson says Mr Putin "spurned the best efforts" of the West to avoid bloodshed.

"For this, Putin will stand condemned in the eyes of the world and of history," he told MPs…

🗣️"For our part today. The UK is announcing the largest and most of your package of economic sanctions that Russia has ever seen," he said.

The sanctions will apply to Russia and Belarus…

🔴Mr Johnson said the UK's range of sanctions would "constrain Russia's military industrial and technological capabilities for years to come"…

"Overall we will be imposing asset freezes on more than 100 new entities and individuals on top of the hundreds that we've already announced," the Prime Minister told MPs…

Mr Johnson celebrated the economic effects in Russia of Putin's decision to invade.

"So far today, Russian stocks are down by as much as 45 per cent, wiping $250 billion from their value in the biggest one-day decline on record," he said…

The Prime Minister said the Government would try to insulate Britons from the effects of the conflict.

"I warned that this invasion would have global economic consequences and this morning the oil price has risen strongly," he said…

🔴Boris Johnson concluded his statement to MPs by declaring "Glory to Ukraine".

"To our Ukrainian friends, in this moment of agony, I say that we are with you and we are on your side," he said…

🔴Strikes have been delivered through “a combination of Russian ground, air and sea-launched missiles and by artillery bombardment”, the MoD has said in an update.

Heavy casualties have been suffered on both sides, the ministry said…

Boris Johnson's barrage of sanctions against Russia include:

❌Asset freezes against all major Russian banks
❌Issue sanctions against more than 100 individuals, entities and their subsidiaries
❌Imminent ban on ability of Aeroflot to fly into the UK…

🔴Chernobyl power plant has been captured by Russian forces, according to an adviser to the Ukrainian presidential office, Reuters is reporting…

ICYMI: Telegraph journalists @SheridanDani, @mutazamd, @FrancisDearnley and @djknowles22 discussed the Russian invasion of Ukraine live on Twitter Spaces

Listen back here ⬇️…

🔴Russia said Thursday that its military had achieved its goals set out for the first day of its invasion of Ukraine, after launching the attack despite warnings of sweeping Western sanctions…

🔴Remarkable scenes in Moscow as hundreds of people take to the streets to protest the invasion.

@Nat_Vasilyeva says: "I have not been to a protest in Russia where I saw so many women crying or on the verge of tears because of what happened"…

@Nat_Vasilyeva 🔴Russia seizes Chernobyl as forces advance on Kyiv.

Follow live Ukraine invasion updates👇…

🇺🇸US President Joe Biden has been presented with a menu of options to carry out cyberattacks to disrupt Russia's ability to sustain its military operations in Ukraine, NBC News reported on Thursday…

Antony Blinken, the US Secretary of State has tweeted: "The United States and EU stand together in strongly condemning Russia’s premeditated, unprovoked, and unjustified attack on Ukraine"…

🇩🇪German chancellor Olaf Sholz has pledged that Vladimir Putin will not be allowed to win in Ukraine in a televised national address, @justinhuggler reports from Berlin…

🇨🇦Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced sanctions against 58 Russian individuals and entities in response to Moscow's invasion of Ukraine…

🗣️"Today in light of Russia's reckless and dangerous military strike, we're imposing further severe sanctions," Mr Trudeau told a news conference…

🇬🇧🇺🇦Tonight, Downing Street has been bathed in blue and yellow lighting in support of Ukraine…

🔴United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has said the group is scaling up its humanitarian operations in Ukraine…

The new sanctions announced by the White House include:

❌Blocking four more major banks
❌Adding the names of Russian elites and their family members to sanction lists…

🗣️"Our forces are not and will not be engaged in a conflict with Russia in Ukraine," says Mr Biden.

However, he adds that the US will defend "every inch of Nato territory"…

🔴President Biden says Russia won’t be removed from the SWIFT international banking system for now because "right now that is not the position the rest of Europe wishes to take"…

🔴How viral social media clips documented Russia's advance ⬇️…

🔴Ukraine's Health Minister has said that 57 people were killed and 169 were wounded following Russia's invasion today…

🔴French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian has said that Vladimir Putin, when making threats about using nuclear weapons, needs to understand that Nato, too, is a nuclear alliance…

🔴Dozens of Ukrainians living in Britain are preparing to drive thousands of miles back to their native homeland to help defend their country against the Russian invasion.

Read the full report 👇…

🔴The Foreign Secretary will visit the US and Europe "in the coming days" to "galvanise the international response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine"…

🔴The Czech Republic, Latvia and Lithuania on Thursday announced they had stopped issuing visas to Russian citizens…

Ukrainian forces have recaptured an airfield in north-west suburbs of Kyiv, a presidential adviser has told Reuters…

🔴The UN refugee agency has said that around 100,000 people had fled their homes in Ukraine…

🔴Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke by phone to French President Emmanuel Macron today and gave him an "exhaustive" explanation of the reasons for Russia's actions in Ukraine, the Kremlin said…

Russian police have detained more than 1,700 people at anti-war protests across dozens of cities…

Some leaped in their cars with as much luggage as they could take. Others simply headed straight for the railway station hoping to find a last-minute ticket. All had the same objective - get out of Kyiv

Read the full report 👇…

🔴People in Ukraine can lock down their Facebook pages as a security measure, the platform said Thursday, following warnings Russia was creating lists of Ukrainians to kill after its invasion…

🔴The head of MI6 has said Russia's attack on Ukraine was a "long planned, unprovoked, cruel aggression"…

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