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Feb 25, 2022, 9 tweets

Jerk seasoning 😃

Grilling this jerk chicken tomorrow for lunch with a friend. There’ll also be jollof and plantain. Gonna be awesome.

So my jerk seasoning is always: soy/Worcestershire sauce, sesame oil/a neutral oil, thyme, chilies (as much as you can handle), spring onion, ginger, honey/treacle/sugar, a little water. The sugar/honey or whatever you’re using isn’t to make it sweet really; it just gives balance

Also: be generous with the thyme. You want it herby and bold.

Oh, and keep the stems in with the thyme. That’s where most of the flavor is tbh.

Garlic! Don’t forget the garlic

First batch of jerk chicken, done. Second batch nearly there :) #SaratusEats

This jerk chicken and jollof situation was so so lit. #SaratusEats

Eating it yet again for dinner, because why not

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