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PAI enjoyer, OSINT guy @hntrbrkmedia, my views/freezing cold takes are my own. Standard spiel about not endorsing retweets, likes, and comments.

Feb 25, 2022, 8 tweets

Ukraine says that a Romanian flagged tanker was hit by Russian forces

Official statement- "The bunkering vessel MILLENNIUM SPIRIT sailing under the Romanian flag was damaged by the Russian ship 12 miles to the Pivdennyi Seaport. Details are being confirmed, there is no communication with the vessel." facebook.com/CinCAFU/posts/…

I'm having some trouble tracking down the Millennium Spirit, it isn't a translation error because the Ukrainians posted the statement in english.

And I dont think it's Millennial Spirit because the two look very different.

I am quoting an official Ukrainian statement. They say (in English) it is the MILLENNIUM SPIRIT. This is the MILLENNIAL SPIRIT, they do not look similar.

and they changed the statement to say it is the "MILLENNIUM SPIRIT sailing under the Moldovan flag"

5 min ago vs now

There is a similar looking vessel in the area called the NAMURA QUEEN

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