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Feb 26, 2022, 10 tweets

This is a thread for some brave Chinese voice to support Ukraine even shadowed by CCP‘s censorship and punishment.

26/2/2022 In Beijing‘s Russia Culture Center ,people spray “fuck off” in Russian to protest Putin‘s Ukraine invasion.

2. An alone protest from ChongQing 重庆 China to support Ukraine!

This actually takes a lot courage,cus any protest in public is “illegal” and could result in being arrested immediately.

3. Chinese professors from several universities wrote an open letter to support #Ukraine.
Now the letter is censored by Wechat.

4. Brave Chinese arrested by police for alone protest Russia and support Ukraine in China!

5. In New Zealand, my Chinese friend @bailiusu505 attending rally for supporting Ukraine

6. Brilliant Chinese fashion photographer @nanshenjing attended rally in Melbourne for Ukraine with his own design protest sign.

7. A Chinese friend sending me its donation record to Ukraine.
He/she wants to call for more support from Chinese to Ukraine‘s fight

donation link:

8. A Chinese twitter user from US post that he is on plane to the frontine of anti-Russia on 24/2

9. Outspoken Chinese actress Yuanli 袁立 made a video to call peace in Ukraine.

She has won the Golden Eagle Award and Hundred Flowers Award for Best Supporting Actress.

This is very rare and brave giving ccp‘s stand with Putin.

10. Chinese Twitter user @chexp2021 said he decides to inquiry Ukraine embassy for joining Ukraine’s foreign legion to fight Russia 👏

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