Gift Ostallos Siziba Profile picture
Mandela Washington Fellow| Obama Foundation Fellow| Human Rights Defender| Democrat| CCC National Deputy Spokesperson

Feb 26, 2022, 7 tweets

1. Yellow citizens, we continue to be humbled by the expressed desire for change & transformation, to be ushered by your citizens' movement, as led by the Citizen's Change Champion, President @nelsonchamisa . The people of Gokwe are just as clear

2. As we updated earlier in the morning, the regime employed all sorts of tactics to ensure the #YellowGokwe rally didn't go ahead. Beyond police perjury in the courts, they went on to defy a High Court order to allow the Citizen's Rally to go on.

3. With heavy armory which almost resembled a war, the police, unprovoked & perhaps possessed & unhinged, displaced citizens with tear smokes, poisoned water & shamboks

4. The determination of the citizens in rural Gokwe demystified the propaganda that we are an urban based party. The state responded to their miscalculation, by eventually DOUBLED their initial deployment of tankers, yet citizens couldn't be deterred still

5. While still at the Tobaiwa homstead paying last respects to the family, over the loss of Kwekwe's beloved ex-Mayor, the Citizen's President received briefing on the political developments in Gokwe.

6. The message was we must “go back to Harare". With dexterity, the response from your President Nelson Chamisa was equally clear, "all reads lead to Gokwe, if we are to die for the cause, let it be."

7. The defiance of the state apparatus ensured that the President's convoy was slowed down by over 11 roadblocks. Regardless, we eventually had a triumphant entry in Gokwe.

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