Karam Bales Profile picture
Counter Disinformation Project, Former NEU and ATL executive, @Unify1Edu Officer, Freelance journalist & researcher @bylinetimes @whowhatwhy Public speaker

Feb 26, 2022, 6 tweets

🧵So Farage appeared at CPAC

16 minute speech, I listened so you don't have to

2/ To start with CPAC has gone full blown extremist with a massive "Awake not Woke" banner, reference to Qanon white supremacist Great Awakening nonsense

Apparently Putin was reasonable bloke until recently, Farage seems to suggest taking the Russian speaking parts is fine

3/ NATO whataboutery, but China is a bigger problem however the greatest threat are the "Enemies within" and thr madrasses of Marxism (universities)

Marxists and BLM are going to destroy Western society

4/ We have to fight this enemy, praises school board take overs (who are banning/burning books, and engaged in threatening abusive behaviour)

He really ups the staked

America is a battleground, defend our heritage or all of western civilisation falls

5/ Farage says he knows the election was stolen, claims same fraud happens in the UK cos of Blair but need to focus on future

"You are the people's army"
"Are you ready for this great battle"

Pretty incendiary stuff when you consider how much of the crowd probably have an AR15

6/ Important to understand how a massive network of think tanks fundeds by a small group of incredibly rich libertarians who see democracy as an inconvenience have weaponised disinformation

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