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finding patterns in news. distributed systems. machine learning. music. Bible. not in this order. English and فارسی background: Stalker - Andrei Tarkovsky

Feb 27, 2022, 7 tweets

🧵4th day of the conflict Russia/Ukraine - Summary roundup: 👇

1) Waking up this morning to news of Russian forces with light armour in Kharkiv. Hours later we saw the remaining debris of those vehicles and mop-up operation cleared the Russian forces. Kharkiv is still in Ukrainian control.

2) A long column of Russian forces approached Kyiv from north west in Bucha south of Gostomel. After demolishing the bridge between Bucha and Iprin, the column was completely obliterated.

3) Berdyansk was surrounded and then fell into the hands of the Russian forces. No major opposition reported.

This is most likely the only city controlled by the Russians.

4) A huge explosion was reported in Cherkasy but turns out it was from the first day of the conflict on 24th. It was most likely an ammo depot.

5) A massive (5km-long) convoy of Russian forces spotted in satellite images north of Ivankiv heading towards Kyiv. It is just outside Prybirs'k although not sure where it is now.

We will most likely hear about it tomorrow.

- Belarus could join the war as early as tomorrow
- Putin flashing his nukes putting them on standby
- 'Peace' talks tomorrow on the border with Belarus
- US and France calling their citizens out of Russia

Have a great night and stay safe. ☮️🕊️🌹

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