Ali 🖤🕊 Profile picture
finding patterns in news. distributed systems. machine learning. music. Bible. not in this order. English and فارسی background: Stalker - Andrei Tarkovsky
otaria123 Profile picture Robyn Brown Profile picture MY Profile picture Muju 6.0⚡∞/21M Profile picture Tweets self-destruct in 60 minutes Profile picture 7 subscribed
Oct 29, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Back in 1994, a bombing in Mashhad's holy shrine of 8th Shia Imam killed 25 and injured 70.

This bombing was attributed to MEK, a terrorist organisation that back then was reinventing itself as a political opposition.… It then, however, turned out to be the work of Islamic Republic's own intelligence ministry. They finally accepted that an "autonomous cell" within the ministry led by Saied Emami had gone rogue and planned and executed the attack. Image
Oct 29, 2022 27 tweets 27 min read
43rd day of #IranProtests following the killing of #MahsaAmini

I am not sure even where to start.

Today, dozens of cities around the world will witness human chains of Iranians extending for miles.

This has been planned for London too, sadly I do not feel well enough to go. Image After weeks and weeks of reactive handling of the protests in the hope of them fizzling out, today the regime is planning to use today's burial procession of Shiraz terrorist attack victims to take the initiative back again.

IRGC Commander again declared the end of protests. ImageImageImageImage
Oct 27, 2022 13 tweets 12 min read
41st day of #IranProtests. The world has now heard our voice.


#IranProtests2022 #MahsaAmini #IranRevolution #مهسا_امینی Image Today the situation was very tense in Kurdistan after the processions for burying a man who had been shot dead in Mahabad.

Protesters on their return captured governor building and there were tense clashes in all of Kurdistan and several others have been shot dead. Image
Oct 27, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
#BREAKING The country is in turmoil and it feels like the regime is losing the grip - which is not necessarily good news since this might mean we enter a military phase.

People are reported to be in control of Town of Mahabad in Kurdistan

#MahsaAmini #IranRevolution #مهسا_امینی Last night a protester was killed in Mahabad (168K) and today seems like most the population were on the street

#IranProtests2022 #MahsaAmini #IranRevolution #مهسا_امینی

Oct 26, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read

Inconsistencies around the story on attack to Shah Cheragh in Shiraz have been discovered.

First of all, ISIS statements is dated 30th of Rabi Al-Awwal month yet it has only 29 days! Today is 1st of Rabi Al-Thani

Image Funny thing is that website used commonly by Iranians says today is 30th of Rabi al-Awwal. All other calendars say today is 1st of Rabi-ali-Thaani.

It cannot be ISIS! Image
Oct 15, 2022 56 tweets 29 min read
#IranProtests2022 5th week of incessant protests (29th day) starting today with reports of ongoing protests in Karaj, Rashst, Hamedan and Shahinshahr.

It is 1:30 PM local time.

This is students today in Sanandaj.

In Ardabil where a high school student was allegedly beaten to death (we have not yet been able to confirm or disprove) protesters have clashed with the security forces.

#MahsaAmini #NikaShakarami #IranRevolution #مهسا_امینی

Oct 14, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
Today in Iran there is a sense of calm before storm as both the protesters and security forces are preparing themselves for the Saturday.

Today there were protests in Zahedan, following the bloodbath whereby 93 were killed.

#MahsaAmini #NikaShakarami #IranRevolution #مهسا_امینی Image In Mashhad, as a protests, the fountains were turned to blood (obviously just red colour). Something that had been done earlier in Tehran too.

Oct 13, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
OK, I have been busy (and also a bit unwell) today now opening my twitter and I see, my timeline is full of protest videos!

#MahsaAmini #NikaShakarami #IranRevolution #مهسا_امینی There has been some calls for protest by Iranian Arabs of Khuzestan for tomorrow Friday - which I felt was perhaps a bit too soon and might clash with the typical Saturday protests.

But Khuzestan already started tonight:

Ahvaz, the capital (1.3M)

Feb 28, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵 5th day of the Ukraine war - a brief roundup👇 1/ As for the financial markets and economic impact, today was a bloodbath:

- Putin banned citizens and companies to transfer money abroad
- Russian stock exchange was meant to open today but it didn't. In fact, it was announced tomorrow will stay closed
Feb 28, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
It is a workday hence I just get the lunchtime to tweet - so here is the 🧵 Lunchtime Roundup on the War in Ukraine: 1) Kharkiv is being punished for its resistance with a barrage of MLRS (Grad and Smerch). Reports of dozens of civilian casualties. Very graphic footages of the slain coming out (not this one), which I would not include.

They are creating another Aleppo.

Feb 27, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵4th day of the conflict Russia/Ukraine - Summary roundup: 👇 1) Waking up this morning to news of Russian forces with light armour in Kharkiv. Hours later we saw the remaining debris of those vehicles and mop-up operation cleared the Russian forces. Kharkiv is still in Ukrainian control.
Feb 26, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Creating a thread 🧵 here for the War Crimes of the Russian forces. #UkraineRussiaWar #Ukrania #russianinvasion

It is time that we keep a record of them.

Please send any information you have or any tweets you come by. 1/ Hitting Kyiv Children Cancer Hospital

Nov 24, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Water protests have spread to the Chaharmahal Bakhtiari province (today its 4th day) which is the origin of many downstream rivers.

What is more, they are chanting "Reza Shah, Rest in Peace"! Reza Shah, contemporary with Ataturk, is commonly known as the father of Modern Iran. I cannot tell you how much of an insult this is to the the Islamic Republic which has hailed itself as the liberator of masses from the tyranny of the kings.

But since 2017-18 protests, people have gone back to appreciate how much Reza shah did for Iran.
Sep 16, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Rapport has jumped up from the crowded 2760-3 pack and now among the top 10 of the world. #chess

Can Alireza "Firo" Firouzja pull a similar with two rounds remaining from #NorwayChess ? He will be playing against the bottom (fellow Iranian Aryan Tari) and top, Rapport. Image Yes, in fact Norwegian Aryan Tari is actually Aryan "Taheri", son of Iranian parents (perhaps changed names after emigrating to Norway).
Sep 11, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Tomorrow @rafaelmgrossi, head of IAEA will visit Iran, in what looked like an ultimatum visit.

However, below suggest a much more benign nature, requesting for standard monitoring in exchange for withholding a damning resolution in the Board of Governors.
@rafaelmgrossi This seems to be the result of the European influence in US's dealing with Iran - from whose tone and rhetoric we could sense a feeling of impatience and "having enough".

But whatever is offered here, Iran must just simply accept. We are nearing the point of a seismic shift...
Aug 11, 2021 41 tweets 16 min read
🚨⚠️🚨 #VeryLongThread 🚨⚠️🚨

My apologies but there isn't enough emoji in the world to be able to capture the gravity of human catastrophe in Iran due to #COVID19.

I wrote a thread 10 days ago but it is just so much worse.

If you cannot read the whole thread, here are the takeaways:

- The health system already imploded under load
- Patients admitted on the floor of hospitals
- Shortage of coffins and morgue vehicles let alone beds
- Iran theocracy does not back down from Moharram ceremonies
Aug 10, 2021 13 tweets 5 min read
#Thread How to make a full blown protest out of absolutely nothing (a pretty harmless video) - Iranian Style

Junqan, a town with the population of 14K, in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province. Most Iranians had not heard its name before today. Preface

This man, admittedly brave and named Habib Fadaee, went on a soapbox 20 days ago to state his support for the people of Khuzestan and their protests.

The video was circulated in the social media although we did not know much more. Obviously people forgot about it.
Aug 2, 2021 19 tweets 6 min read
🚨🚨🚨#LongishThread 🚨🚨🚨
I know I am sounding like a broken record now, but Iran's health system is experiencing a crisis not seen before, due to COVID's 5th wave.

Universal shortage of beds, ventilator, ICU and even saline drips across the country. Casualties mounting. This is a hospital in the southern province of Bushehr. Patients on the floor receiving oxygen.

If the 3rd wave were a 7 Richter earthquake, this is surely above than 8.

Jul 31, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
So that was it? The protests stopped?

While days 14 and 15 we had almost no protests, days 16 and 17 suddenly we saw some major protests again.

As I said, something has changed. With a little trigger or opportunity, people show their resentment.

Yesterday (day 16) was the last day of the Iranian football league with Perspolis winning the championship. The celebrations quickly turned to the scenes of protests in Tehran, Karaj, Qazvin, etc.

This is the scene with security forces clashing riding on motorbikes.
Apr 4, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
Week 55-57 - #COVID19 in Iran

The 4th wave is now finally confirmed.

Picking up from 3 weeks ago [due to lack of development waiting for a more coherent picture to develop]

More on me:

Dec 30, 2020 17 tweets 4 min read

(I know you might say when it wasn't but we are talking risk of a big conflict)

The thread on the reports from the last 24 hours: /0 On the Iranian side, I have seen anecdotal comments from tweeps close to IRGC that "the big fight" is very close and mothers should prepare for the martyrdom of their sons.

[Prefer not to include the tweets]