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Reporter. Presenter: @thenewsagents and Sunday with Lewis Goodall @lbc | Formerly of @bbcnewsnight @skynews. DMs open- tell me your stories.

Feb 28, 2022, 9 tweets

Steady stream of people coming across the 🇺🇦 border at Medyka on the Polish side. Many have had to abandon their cars. They have what they have on their backs and what they can carry.

We’ve spoke to people who have been waiting for days, in the freezing cold, nothing to eat or to drink. Most haven’t slept at all.

As with yesterday there is also a steady stream of men under 45 heading into Ukraine to fight, going in on foot.

Most, especially Ukrainian nationals, have people (family or friends) ready to pick them up and take them to other destinations. Not everyone is so lucky- some are having to wait for transport and some (though not many) are sleeping here.

Spare a thought for the refugees from other conflicts who have settled in Ukraine. Muhammed is originally from Afghanistan, has lived in Kyiv for five years and runs a mobile phone accessory business. He was waiting at the border for four days. Two without a car in the cold.

Muhammed told us he hadn't slept for three days. Had fled from fighting in his town just by Kyiv. Said he had transport to take him to stay for a few nights nearby but after that had no idea. Is desperate to return to Ukraine, his business and his life.

Muhammed also told us he was worried about the health of some of those waiting in the cold on the Ukrainian border, taken out of their cars. Told us some don't have thick winter coats, said some were lying, weak, little able to move, on the ground.

Lots of people have nothing more than a suitcase, or a shared suitcase. Have seen some people this morning who can barely walk. The physical toll it’s taken to get here is immense.

The border

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