Tanja Maier Profile picture
Russian-speaking Arizonan in Wien. Canada born. Maiden name ends in ić. Mom of 3. Currently https://t.co/v56vaxUM5d 🇺🇦 🛒 🇦🇹 my Substack is free

Feb 28, 2022, 21 tweets

A new scary warning of Russian tactics via t.me/kievreal1/7355

‼️ATTENTION it became known that the occupiers began to use new tactics of battle...Rusnya comes to the block post and pretends to hang a white flag. A negotiator comes out and they start ambushing.

Meanwhile the “peace talks” are in their second hour. The world should see the faces of those who represent the Russian army killing civilians in Kharkiv and other cities today. t.me/kharkiv_1654/2…

This video is from Kuibyshev district of Donetsk. She is swearing at the Ukrainians who she says are firing in their direction. Just look at the surroundings. Look how sad it is. She prob doesn’t know what is happening in Kharkiv. DNR sits in own bubble. t.me/itsdonetsk/9848

Parts of Kherson are being evacuated per deputy mayor for those who don’t have safe shelter. Priority for women and children, take documents with you t.me/hueviyherson/9…

Kharkiv today. As others have already noted, it’s nearly impossible to find photos or videos without dead bodies. All civilians. All killed by the Russian army. War crimes, provided the world still cares about those. t.me/hueviyherson/9…

Berdyansk, Zaporozhskaya oblast today. Local residents chant “go home” at the occupying Russian soliders. t.me/mariupol/3411

Mayor of Mariupol Vadim Boychenko is an inspiration. They are under attack. Civilian casualties. Shot down 1 🇷🇺 ✈️. Secured flour baked 10 tons of 🥖 overnight for city, mandated price controls. He speaks of total coordination by city govt. Full video here t.me/mariupol/3413

Odessa. Plenty of bread, alcohol removed from shelves per orders, sausages being handed out. t.me/xydessa/17241

Odessa war humor. “Over the past 24 hours the number of new coronavirus infections reached the following figure: NO ONE GIVES A FUCK”

Kharkiv. February 28, 2022. Ukraine’s second largest city. t.me/xydessa/17230

Chernihiv oblast today. Lots of swearing but basically the Russians are shooting in residential areas. Shock.

Looks like alcohol sales are being banned in many Ukraine cities today. This is a google translate of the notice today from Lviv: t.me/lvivVScoronavi…

Powerful video directed at and educating Russians about what is happening in the war in Ukraine. They ask everyone to share it on social media. #нетвойне t.me/ukrainenowengl…

Peace talks continue t.me/ukrinform_news…

I looked up a teen TikToker I followed in Donbass. She can’t believe it’s Feb 28 and we don’t know what to put in our calendars for March. She unfollowed a lot of her favorite bloggers for their pro Ukraine posts. Definitely seems like DNR/LNR still totally in their own bubble.

At least 11 civilians killed in Kharkiv today. That’s only the figure reported so far. t.me/ukrinform_news…

Unverified but would not surprise me. Luckily Musk already gave his satellite internet, right? t.me/ChernigovAnoni…

🇩🇪 🇦🇹🇨🇭Auf Deutsch vom Bürgermeister von Kiew! t.me/KyivCityOffici…

I think these are the account derails but this is just me googling: ruhrbarone.de/ukrainische-na…

This link has Google pay bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/na…

Last one. Zelensky just posted this. We will live. #будеможити t.me/V_Zelenskiy_of…

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