Lottie Lewis Profile picture
History PhD student looking at the political silencing and shaming of women by men. Your virtue signalling and luxury beliefs are getting women nowhere.

Feb 28, 2022, 12 tweets

The Future of Legal Gender project was given £579,717 of taxpayers money to 'prove' sex doesn't matter. The project draws to a close this year and there's a public online event this month to hear their 'findings'. If you can't wait, here's what they'll be using to advise govt

They found girls schools and services for women already 'frequently' include males, and this isn't a problem because, dur... these males have obviously become female. Wtf does non-binary inclusion mean... who knows.

They found that schools and DV services think the Equality Act is fine as some kind of guidance for say, 8 of the 9 protected characteristics, and it's so confusing it allows them to include males with minimal fuss from women. @akuareindorf @KishwerFalkner

There's a whole section on "we listened to feminists' concerns" that concludes with this shite about assigned sex at birth. I kid ye not. They literally don't care what women think because it's not fair some men were given the WRONG ASSIGNED BIRTH.

Their survey showed that most people are not on board with 'the system for assigning male/female at birth' being scrapped. What the actual fuck, reminder - your tax money went on this garbage. Of course people don't want reality to "be reformed" what does that even mean.

Don't worry guys, our survey was ruined by 'gender critical feminists' - i.e WOMEN that we have categorised in a niche way to take away the little agency women have in laws and how they are governed.

We used this sexist regressive term that was invented by a man to subjugate women, and we prove here that we dont fully understand it. But its important that our survey is shaped in a way that stops men and women talking about reality and focuses on contemporary identity politics

No shit. Same findings recently in Scotland as well, but @NicolaSturgeon is ploughing on with self ID anyway. Because luxury beliefs are the new luxury goods that people use to signal their higher status to other privileged people.

Poor guidance from lobby groups like Stonewall has led employers to forge ahead with harmful regressive policies that hurt women in the workplace, force women to signal their sex (pronouns) and share toilets with men. They still get paid less and self ID will prevent data on this

Here we conflate race and disability with men's identities (how they see themselves), because - why not eh! And best practice in the workplace when it comes to men's identities will just have to be a 'women are guinea pigs' situation that can be worked on over years.

Think if this amount of public money could go to @SexMattersOrg or @Transgendertrd or @fairplaywomen we'd see real social progress for women, and not backward regressive BS to support men's fantasies. Sickening. @DavinaCooper5 @ProfPeel @FloraRenz

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