Curtis Houck Profile picture
Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Feb 28, 2022, 7 tweets

JACQUI TIME: "There are reports of illegal cluster bombs & vacuum bombs being used by the Russians. If that's true, what is the next step of this administration & is there a red line for how much violence will be tolerated...that's illegal &...a war crime?"

.@JacquiHeinrich: "The new aid that you just laid out...The Post reported over the weekend that this aid will not include stingers, that it would likely come in a future batch of aid. What is the reason for that?"

Psaki: "I'm not going to get into specifics."

.@JacquiHeinrich: "You mentioned that this next batch [of aid] is going to be coming in the next few days. Why so long? I mean, days doesn't sound like a long time to us, but..."

Psaki: "The package that we already announced continues to be delivered."

.@JacquiHeinrich: "On the nuclear rhetoric that we've been hearing from Putin, does this influence at all the upcoming nuclear policy review?"

Psaki: "In terms of how -- we -- our relationship with -- it's a good question, Jacqui."

.@JacquiHeinrich: "Does the administration trust Russia to be an honest broker in the talks with Iran right now?

Psaki: "Well, I think it's not about trust in any of these negotiations or discussions. It's about verifying and trusting later, including with the Iranians."

.@JacquiHeinrich: "What is the stance of the U.S. in buying Russian gas[?]...Are we ready to pledge not to buy...Russian gas?"

Psaki claims, that "as it relates to Russian gas, the U.S. government doesn't dictate where the U.S. market...acquires crude or refined products[.]"

.@JacquiHeinrich: "In layman's terms, we are not going to be making any policy from the U.S. government that would prohibit the sale or the purchase of Russian gas then b/c it's not something that we already do?"

Psaki: "We haven't ruled out that." (7/7)

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