Lazarus Long Profile picture
If you have to say goodbye to your dog, be there in person. Hold them. Don't let them die with just the vet. #CoVidIsAirborne #Masks4All #PZC.

Feb 28, 2022, 8 tweets

Dr. Roselyn Epps was born in 1930. If she had been born just 20 years earlier?

There might not have been a Dr. Roselyn Epps.

She would have been 8 years old when the 1918 pandemic struck Little Rock, Arkansas.…

Here are the beds in the Eberts Field medical facility for the influenza patients.

That airborne disease ended up infected 1/3 of everyone. Fun fact - you could end up bleeding from your eyes and ears.…

Not showing pics of that.

There was lots of downplaying.

Woodrow Wilson, president at the time, never even mentioned it.…

This lack of response is the main reason why Biden- sorry, Woodrow Wilson is considered to be THE WORST PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME.

Here's the thing - I submit that Biden is worse than Wilson.

Because we know he knows. They have money in their budget for LongCoVid.

We know that CoVid is so very much worse than influenza - but did you know that there as a LongFlu version of LongCoVid?…

LongFlu sufferers had a much easier time of it.

Now, what if little Roselyn Epps had had her schoolwork suffer, right at the

formative time for her to choose to become a doctor?

She would not have done it.

How many Roselyn Epps are being struck by CoVid right now?

What price must our nation suffer one man's political aspirations?

Not Trump.


But fear not. CoVid will have the last word.

We have 4 more Omicron+ cycles between now and November.

Don't forget - anyone getting CoVid? Child or adult?

Can get LongCoVid months later.

We need the doctors in Public Health to say, "No more."

And resign. Loudly. Publicly.

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