Jessica Price Profile picture
Game tastemaker, creative lead, producer, writer, howling maenad. Mildly obsessed with lionesses. I block often. She/her.

Mar 1, 2022, 9 tweets

the fact that people still don't know sites where you can AI-generate photos exist, or how to spot them, in 2022 CE is kind of disheartening and should maybe be an exercise in media literacy classes which maybe everyone should be required to take

esp people still using FB a lot

I mean, to be fair, this is a pretty good one, but then again they might have cleaned it up.

You can usually spot them because the generator still has trouble with hair, jewelry, and sometimes eyebrows.

honestly, I think it's been roughly a year since my circles talked about this on here, and it's gotten a lot better in that time

I flipped through about 5 images before coming on one with any obvious artifacts

The hair and ears are pretty good one this one, but there's some weirdness with her clothes, and on her hat (looks like maybe it pulled in some sequins?).

Here's an example of how it still has trouble with earrings:

Sometimes it REALLY screws up background and clothing, but that's getting less common:

heh, it can't tell the difference between headscarves and hair:

Honestly, earrings seem to trip it up more than anything, though, which is maybe why it seems like people don't catch photos of men as often.

Like, I dunno, I don't really see anything in this one that would make me suspicious

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