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PLAC is an independent,non-partisan,non-profit capacity building organization that works to strengthen democratic governance& citizens’ participation in Nigeria

Mar 1, 2022, 6 tweets

House of Representatives Approves Bill No. 4: Change of name of Kunchi Local Government Area, Kano State.

House of Representatives Approves Bill No. 9: Financial autonomy of State legislatures and State Judiciary.

House of Representatives Approves Bill No. 10: Enforcement of Legislative summons/Invitations.

House of Representatives Approves Bill No. 11: Inauguration of Members-Elect.

House of Representatives Approves Bill No. 12: The Institutionalization of Legislative Bureaucracy in the Constitution

House of Representatives Approves Bill No. 13: Procedure for Overriding Presidential Veto in Constitutional Alteration.

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