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PLAC is an independent,non-partisan,non-profit capacity building organization that works to strengthen democratic governance& citizens’ participation in Nigeria

Mar 1, 2022, 6 tweets

Senate Approves Bill, No. 22, 2022 (Provision for Intervening Events in the Computation of Time for the Determination of Pre-election Petitions, Election Petitions and Appeals Therefrom –Section 285)

Senate Rejects Bill No. 23, 2022 (Virtual/Remote Court Hearings – Sections 36 & 318)

#ConstitutionReview #SenateNGR

Senate Approves Bill, No. 24, 2022 (Expansion of the Interpretation of “Judicial Office” –Section 318)

Senate Approves Bill, No. 25, 2022 (Appointment of the Secretary of the National Judicial Council – Part I, Third Schedule)

#ConstitutionReview #SenateNGR

Senate Approves Bill, No. 26, 2022 (Code of Conduct – Part I, Fifth Schedule)

Senate Approves Bill No. 27, 2022 (Fair Hearing in the Process of Recommending the Removal of Judicial Officers – Part II, Third Schedule)

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