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PLAC is an independent,non-partisan,non-profit capacity building organization that works to strengthen democratic governance& citizens’ participation in Nigeria

Mar 1, 2022, 8 tweets

Senate Rejects Bill, No. 61, 2022 (Appointment of Minister from the FCT – Sections 147)

#ConstitutionReview #SenateNGR

Senate Adopts Bill, No. 62, 2022 (Correction in the Definition of the Boundary of the Federal Capital Territory – Part II, First Schedule)

Senate Approves Bill, No. 63, 2022 (Fundamental Human Rights – Sections 18 & 45)

Senate Rejects Bill, No. 64, 2022 (Defining Acts that Constitute Torture, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment – Section 34)

Senate Approves Bill, No. 65, 2022 (Food Security – Section 16)

Senate Approves Bill, No. 66, 2022 (Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps – Section 213 & Part III)

Senate Rejects Bill, No. 67, 2022 (Traditional Rulers and Institutions – Sections 153, 197 & Part II, Third Schedule)

Senate Rejects Bill, No. 68, 2022 (Affirmative Action)

#ConstitutionReview #SenateNGR

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