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Investigating the Iron Age to post Roman period in southern England. Video diary @DuroDigDiaries #HillfortsWednesday Tweets by Miles Russell

Mar 2, 2022, 9 tweets

For #HillfortsWednesday here’s the glorious Chlorus Camp (Figsbury Ring) #Wiltshire, photographically captured by David R Abram 🤩

For more of his stunning work see davidabram.co.uk

And catch his exhibition @SalisburyMuseum salisburymuseum.org.uk/whats-on/exhib…

A thread 👇👇👇

Figsbury Ring / Chlorus Camp #Wiltshire comprises a univallate Iron Age hillfort with entrances at the East and West

At 6.2ha it encloses a Neolithic / EBA feature (a henge?)

LiDAR Digital terrain model Rouven Meidlinger @planlaufterrain CC BY-SA 4.0


William Stukeley visited Chlorus Camp hillfort (Figsbury Ring) #Wiltshire in 1723

His drawing of the hillfort and inner henge looking SW shows the hillfort and castle of @EHOldSarum (B) and cathedral of Salisbury (C) in the distance

#HillfortsWednesday #HengeWednesday

The outer ramparts of Figsbury Ring hillfort are concentric to the earlier (henge?) the bank of which is now missing

This amazing air photo © David R Abram davidabram.co.uk

See more @SalisburyMuseum salisburymuseum.org.uk/whats-on/exhib…

#HillfortsWednesday #HengeWednesday

The wonderful Iron Age earthworks of Chlorus Camp / Figsbury Ring bank overlook Salisbury and the valley of the River Bourne in #Wiltshire 😍

They comprise an inner rampart, now 18m wide and 3.5m high, above a shallow ditch and slight counterscarp bank


Today, the ramparts of Figsbury Ring hillfort #Wiltshire are regularly explored by multiple human, canine and bovine visitors

The walk and views from are 🤩 (but, if you're driving, be warned as the road to site is a tad 😱😱)


The inner enclosure at Figsbury #Wiltshire is the earliest

Excavations by Maud and Ben Cunnington in 1924 found bone (human and animal), Grooved Ware and Beaker pottery meaning it may be a Late Neolithic henge

More work is needed 🤞

#HillfortsWednesday #HengeWednesday

A great tour of the prehistoric earthworks of Figsbury Ring / Chlorus Camp on this #HillfortsWednesday is provided by Adrian Green, Director @SalisburyMuseum over on @YouTube

Enjoy 😀👍

Exploring Figsbury Ring:

The hillfort / henge combo of Chlorus Camp / Figsbury Ring #Wiltshire is a Scheduled Ancient Monument looked after by the ever-wonderful @nationaltrust and you can read more here:


And here:


#HillfortsWednesday #HengeWednesday

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