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We are the Baltimore County Coalition for Fair Maps! #fairmaps

Mar 2, 2022, 10 tweets

Still no word from @BaltCoGov on whether they're drawing us a fair map but our partner orgs @LWVBC_MKTG_361 @NAACP_7032 @indivisibletows @BcpdClub @allies_pa & others are not slowing down the fight for fair representation in BaltCo!

Just the opposite. They're stepping it up.

TOMORROW, grassroots groups and citizens from across the county launch #Vote4More, an historic, people-powered initiative to transform the county council forever

Be one of the FIRST to sign this historic petition to expand the Baltimore County Council at the #Vote4More press conference and launch event!

Thursday, March 3, 10 am

Randallstown Community Center, 3505 Resource Drive Randallstown, MD 21133

#Vote4More is a public petition effort–led by ordinary County residents, not incumbent Council members–to place a question on the 2022 General Election ballot in Baltimore County.

The #Vote4More ballot question will give citizens an opportunity to vote to amend the County Charter by enlarging the size of the County Council from 7 elected district members to 11, reducing district sizes from around 125,000 to 78,000.

The current BaltCo Charter was written in 1955 when the County’s population was 350,000 and each council member represented only 50,000 residents.

Today our County’s population is 856,000 and each council member represents around 125,000 residents!

It's time for change!

And even though our population is now half non-white, six of seven of the county’s current districts are majority-white.

In other words, our 67-year-old seven-district structure does not reflect the County’s growth nor our diversity!

By creating more districts, #Vote4More! will dramatically expand opportunities to diversify the Baltimore County Council, improving the accessibility and productivity of the council and opening doors for new, diverse, young and other candidates!

That's why #Vote4More! has been endorsed by @BcpdClub @LWVBC_MKTG_361, @NAACP_7032, @allies_pa , @indivisibletows, @aka_abgo, @bcydems, Baltimore County West Democratic Club, New Horizons Group, Turner Station Conservation Teams, SW Baltimore County Democrats...

...Hunt Valley Indian Association, Hawthorne Civic Association, Northeast Towson Improvement Association and the Combined Communities Advisory Council of Greater Randallstown, Greater Baltimore Muslim Council, & Amigos of Baltimore County!


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