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Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Mar 3, 2022, 8 tweets

George Stephanopoulos: "The world is seeing civilians being killed in Ukraine by Russian bombs....The world is uniting to contend those attacks & those lies. How can you defend them?"

Russian FM Lavrov: "I cannot comment -- conjectures & there is a great deal of these now."

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov whines about the west shutting down Russian media outlets, such as RT: They're "trying to close down all of the outlets...broadcast from Russia on how...the Ukrainian army & neo-Nazis behave. They behave like...marauders"

Russia's Sergey Lavrov on ABC's @GMA: "I don't have enough enumerate...the facts. Please visit our website...You will be able get a detailed description of what the Kyiv neo-Nazi regime is now doing. You like the word killer...Killers are siding with the Kyiv regime."

ABC's George Stephanopoulos to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov: "Do you believe that President Zelenskyy, the first Jewish president of Ukraine, whose famil[y] [was] killed in the Holocaust, is a Nazi?"

Russian FM Sergey Lavrov says Zelenskyy is a Nazi: "I think that the Nazis & neo-Nazis manipulate. Otherwise, it is hard to account for how [he] can preside over a society where neo-Nazis make strife... How can not a neo-Nazi president support laws banning the Russian language?"

Russian FM Lavrov to ABC's George Stephanopoulos defending why he (falsely) calls Zelenskyy a Nazi: "I can numerate facts for...a long [time]....[Y]ou don't have time to read the facts & spend half an hour visiting our website...Please learn more facts. Don't try to pretend[.]"

ABC's George Stephanopoulos on his interview with Russia's Sergey Lavrov: "You get the sense there why the...Treasury Dept. calls him Putin's propagandist. I mean, calling Zelenskyy...a neo-Nazi, denying what the whole world is seeing w/their eyes on the killing of civilians."

ABC's George Stephanopoulos on why Russia's Sergey Lavrov said he "like[s] the word killer," noting "[h]e was pretty clearly responding to this interview I had with President Biden last year" in which he asked him whether he thinks Putin's "a killer." (8/8)

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