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Mar 3, 2022, 7 tweets

Also as a couple of people have asked: what’s all this #Ravieres stuff I’m posting?

My partner and I got the keys to an old house we bought in Ravières, Yonne (Bourgogne) on Monday. The house was *full* of stuff. So tweets are about what we find!

The idea: to spend a few months a year. And also be able to work from here (if we’re all on Zoom all day anyway, why not?) and do it without a car…

The house is 2km from Nuits-sous-Ravières station - and about 10 hours from Berlin

And the people who used to live here ran a computer business in the 1990s

Have lots of Fatima everywhere (this one has been removed now! I’m not abandoning my atheism here…)

Had lots of plates and glasses…

And the place is liveable-in straight away, and cost €65500. For that you’d get about 1/10th of a flat in Berlin…

Anything about this slightly crazy project will be tagged #Ravieres


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