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Mar 4, 2022, 22 tweets

What's up #tedfest peeps! We're off! Just left Cardiff for a long drive/ferry/another long drive/another ferry. Here's Nick who's doing the first leg. Get ready for some Divine Comedy tributing, Ireland!

So we made it to the ferry, stage one complete! Can relax for a few hours before hitting the road again. Looking forward to meeting up with the rest of @BadAmbassadors and having a @GuinnessIreland (not necessarily in that order)

Leg two complete (provided no docking disasters). Another hundred or so miles to Galway before meeting up with the band and downing a few well earned pints. I'm sure all the other @BadAmbassadors who flew will be fully cut already 🙂

Fate? Serendipity? Destiny? Five minutes into our Ireland drive and we see a truck named after the great Neil Hannon of @divinecomedyhq.
@TedfestHQ is gonna be a blast! It's a sign!

Not sure exactly what happened last night but we've somehow made it to #craggyisland. Please enjoy this picture of a yoga class run by a leprechaun.

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Will we get all nine @BadAmbassadors on the stage?
Unlikely! But we'll make it work...

*written in retrospect* it's the morning after the night before. Look my lovely #Mayomammy we made it! We ended up playing two sets, drinking too much and are all worse for wear. I'll try to piece together what happened by looking through my pictures

...but I'm not sure I can.

At some point Meatloaf was resurrected and I am totally loving that.

One of many niche #fatherted moments, 'man in the nip on a car bonnet'. This guy was COMMITTED to the character as it was fecking cold out on the island

Blurry photo but you get the idea. This was Father Damo compering the #lovelygirls2022 competition. They ALL had lovely bottoms!

So that wraps up @TedfestHQ. Here's Nick & Dai surprised by the sudden appearance of an extra passenger this morning after leaving the campsite. He disappeared not long after without a word. Was he just one part of the fever dream of craggy island, were any of us really there?

Nick and I are now safely in Dublin waiting for the ferry back to Wales. I'm signing off this thread here but will add a couple of little bonus extras for you.

P.s. that was mad, Ted

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