Hans Kristensen Profile picture
Director, Nuclear Information Project, Federation of American Scientists. Tracking nuclear arsenals, writing Nuclear Notebook, SIPRI Yearbook. Opinions my own.

Mar 4, 2022, 6 tweets

Two B-52s (60-0044 and 61-0018) heading east/northeast over North Sea this morning.

Call signs NOBLE41 and possibly NOBLE42.

Making sharp turn south over Denmark.

Of these two B-52s, one (60-0044) is nuclear-capable (but not carrying nukes), while the other (61-0018) is conventional-only.

After operations over Germany, the two B-52s are now heading east toward Slovenia and Romania.

BUFFs over Romania. The B-52s flew about 100 km from Ukraine border. Heading straight for Black Sea, but I’d be surprised under the circumstances…

They stopped before the Black Sea. Doing loops over southeast Romania near border with Moldova.

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