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Mar 4, 2022, 5 tweets

Today we have once again heard lies about how Russian troops attacked the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, it's all part of an unprecedented campaign of lies & disinformation against Russia: Russian Federation representative at UN


The city of Enerhodar, Zaporizhzhya NPP & the adjacent territories were taken by the Russian Army under its control back on Feb 28. As a result of negotiations with the power plant management, an agreement was reached to place it under the Russian military's guard: Russia at UN

Goal is to prevent Ukrainian nationalists & other terrorist forces from taking advantage of the current situation to organize a nuclear provocation; goal is also to ensure the security of the station & prevent interruptions in power supply to Ukraine & European consumers: Russia

At present, Zaporizhzhya NPP & adjacent territory are being guarded by Russian troops... on night of Mar 4, a Russian mobile patrol was attacked by a Ukrainian sabotage group on adjacent territory of Zaporizhzhya NPP... Russian patrol returned fire & suppressed it: Russia at UN

As they were leaving, the Ukrainian sabotage group set fire to the training facility, which is not located on the territory of the Zaporizhzhya NPP. Fire brigades were able to extinguish the fire on the premises... there's no threat of a release of radioactive material: Russia

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