Democracy Docket Profile picture
Democracy Docket is the leading digital news platform dedicated to information, analysis and opinion about voting rights and elections in the courts.

Mar 5, 2022, 10 tweets

🚨It's our birthday! Democracy Docket is officially 2 years old!🥳

Let's talk about what we accomplished this year. 🧵

This past year, we've published 140 articles.

❓27 Explainers:
📊25 Data Dives:…
⚖️8 Case Watches:…
✍️80 From Our Desk:…

These are the articles you read the most:

1. How the GOP Will Try To Subvert Our Elections by @marceelias:…
2. Legal Challenges to GA's #SB202:…
3. What Happened in the Senate Battle for Voting Rights:…

We're now tracking over 300 cases, with more than 150 added in the past year.

Find all of them on our website:

We've published 63 Spotlights from leaders and activists like @HillaryClinton, @johnlegend, @SenAlexPadilla, Rep. @MondaireJones, Gov. @KateBrownForOR and more.

Read the articles here:…

And as we grew, so did our followers and supporters! We ❤️ y'all and sharing updates and news with you, like our #DemocracyAlerts:

We've also delivered weekly newsletters, important news and key updates to our email subscribers.

(P.S. If you didn't get us a birthday present, subscribing to our newsletter is at the top of our wishlist and it's free:

We launched our weekly Twitter Spaces this year and enjoy giving updates and answering questions every Friday.

You can find our latest Spaces episodes here:…

And we've grown! We're now 8 people strong — a tiny but mighty team dedicated to keeping you informed and updated on the latest in voting rights, democracy and elections.

So, THANK YOU for an incredible second year. We're excited to see what this next year will bring and hope you'll join us.🥰

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