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Retired LEO | I Investigate stuff and write about it.🕵️‍♂️ Co-Founder: @Debriefmedia, Bylines: @dcexaminer @PopMech @VICENews | GO GATORS!!! 🐊 🏈

Mar 6, 2022, 6 tweets

BREAKING: A second attempt at a ceasefire to establish a humanitarian corridor and allow for the evacuation of civilians in Mariupol will be attempted again from 10am to 9pm today.
A ceasefire and civilian evacuation was supposed to take place yesterday from 9am to 4pm,

(2) However, Russian forces continued to shell Mariupol, forcing Ukrainian officials to call off the planned evacuations.
Mariupol has been surrounded by Russian troops for days, and reports indicate the city is without power, water, heat, and food supplies are running low.

(3) Mariupol has also faced intense, indiscriminate shelling for nearly a week, causing catastrophic damage to residential areas and likely significant numbers of civilian casualties.
So far, Russia has remained content to use stand-off bombardments to slowly choke Mariupol into

(4) surrendering.
Worth noting, as the situation stands right now, it is very unlikely that a fall of Mariupol will ultimately affect the overall outcome of the war. Making Russia's willingness to inflict maximum death and destruction to the port city all the more senseless.

(5) Prior to Russia's invasion, Mariupol was home to over 400k people. It is very likely that close to this many residents were ever able to evacuate in time and still remain in the city.

* close to 400k residents *WERE NOT* able to get out of the city.

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