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Dream of Venice book trilogy #DreamVeniceBlackWhite with Tiziano Scarpa #DreamVeniceArchitecture #DreamofVenice Celebrating #VeniceBooks since 2014

Mar 6, 2022, 9 tweets

“It was a windy night, and before my retina registered anything, I was smitten by a feeling of utter happiness: my nostrils were hit by what to me has always been its synonym, the smell of freezing seaweed.” Joseph Brodsky, Watermark #Venicebooks #Venice #Venezia #Brodsky

“The backdrop was all in dark silhouettes of church cupolas and rooftops; a bridge arching over a body of water’s black curve, both ends of which were clipped off by infinity.” Joseph Brodsky, Watermark #Venicebooks #Venice #Venezia #Brodsky

“In winter you wake up in this city, especially on Sundays, to the chiming of its innumerable bells, as though behind your gauze curtains a gigantic china teaset were vibrating on a silver tray in the pearl-gray sky.” Joseph Brodsky, Watermark #VeniceBooks #Venice #Venezia

“Having failed to be born here, you at least can take some pride in sharing its invisibility.” Joseph Brodsky, Watermark #Venicebooks #Venice #Venezia

“In fact, the whole city, especially at night, resembles a giant orchestra, with dimly lit music stands of palazzi, with a restless chorus of waves, with the falsetto of a star in the winter sky.” Joseph Brodsky, Watermark #VeniceBooks #Venice #Venezia #Brodsky

“Well,” I said, “it’s like Greta Garbo swimming.” Joseph Brodsky, Watermark #VeniceBooks #Venice #Venezia #Brodsky

“…I suddenly felt: I am a cat. A cat that has just had fish. Had anyone addressed me at that moment, I would have meowed. I was absolutely, animally happy.” Joseph Brodsky, Watermark #VeniceBooks #Venice #Venezia #Brodsky

“You don’t revive a painting, let alone a statue. You leave them alone, you guard them against vandals—whose hordes may include yourself.” Joseph Brodsky, Watermark #VeniceBooks #Venice #Venezia

“Still, now I knew what water feels like being caressed by water.” Joseph Brodsky, Watermark #VeniceBooks #Venice #Venezia #Brodsky

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