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Dream of Venice book trilogy * #DreamVeniceBlackWhite with Tiziano Scarpa * #DreamVeniceArchitecture * #DreamofVenice * Celebrating #VeniceBooks since 2014
May 15, 2022 24 tweets 21 min read
Are you planning a trip to #Venice in the near future?
The city can be exasperating, disorienting, & challenging. It can also be the most magnificent place you will ever visit. We’ve thought about the questions we’re often asked & decided to write a 🧵with resources. Andiamo ~ Image "Help! I'm coming to Venice & I've never been before. Where do I start?"
Start with 40 tips to Explore Venice by @LaVenessiana
Iris is a Venetian culinary historian, writer, & expert on the Lagoon. Her tips are comprehensive & current, written for 2022.
Mar 6, 2022 9 tweets 10 min read
“It was a windy night, and before my retina registered anything, I was smitten by a feeling of utter happiness: my nostrils were hit by what to me has always been its synonym, the smell of freezing seaweed.” Joseph Brodsky, Watermark #Venicebooks #Venice #Venezia #Brodsky Image “The backdrop was all in dark silhouettes of church cupolas and rooftops; a bridge arching over a body of water’s black curve, both ends of which were clipped off by infinity.” Joseph Brodsky, Watermark #Venicebooks #Venice #Venezia #Brodsky Image