J. Paul Kirby Profile picture
VFX Artist | MIT Nerd | Fmr Senate Intern & DC Motorcade Drivr | Sesame Street Spanish & Hercule Poirot French | Toujours 🧐 | Friend of the Kurds | Nick Drake!

Mar 7, 2022, 5 tweets

With subtitles. Pres. Zelenskyy's March 7 morning address. Part 1 of 5.

"There is no blood on our flag. There are no black spots or swastikas on it. The Ukrainian flag is the land. And the sky. Peaceful. So it was. And so it will be."

Pres. Zelenskyy's March 7 morning address, with subtitles. Part 2 of 5.

Pres. Zelenskyy's March 7 morning address, with subtitles. Part 3 of 5.

Pres. Zelenskyy's March 7 morning address, with subtitles. Part 4 of 5. This part doesn't have subtitles because the official subtitled version stopped at the 5 minute mark. When a corrected video is released, I'll replace this.

Pres. Zelenskyy's March 7 morning address, with subtitles. Part 5 of 5. This part doesn't have subtitles because the official subtitled version stopped at the 5 minute mark. When a corrected video is released, I'll replace this.

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