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🥷 Avalanche Validator 🔺 ◾ DeFi Black Belt 🥋

Mar 7, 2022, 25 tweets

2022 is the only the start of the subnet boom on #Avalanche. Subnets will add billions, if not trillions, of value to #AVAX.

The question is - how do you get exposure RIGHT NOW to capitalize on subnets before they explode? 🤯

Let's talk #subnet pioneers

Dexalot - $ALOT

Dexalot is the first Central Limit Order Book (CLOB) DEX on Avalanche. With support from Ava Labs & the #AVAX ecosystem, #Dexalot looks poised to become a premier DEX. I say this bc I believe they have a significant edge over the competition...

What's that edge?
Dexalot is currently building their own subnet.

That's right, a central limit order book (CLOB) decentralized exchange operating on it's own blockchain network. Trades will execute insanely fast without fighting for block space w/ crabs, platypuses, and Joes

What does this mean for Dexalot?

- Blazing fast speed: we are talking millisecond tx finality (10-100x faster than c-chain)
- Gas will cost a fraction of what it does on the c-chain
- Will attract institutional players - high frequency traders, REAL market makers, etc.

- The speed of the subnet will make "Market" buy/sell orders execute properly (in addition to limit orders ofc)
- #Dexalot subnet will provide the look, feel, and performance of a CEX, without all the bs of centralization.

A few more cool features of Dexalot...

- Innovative price discovery mechanism (Dexalot Discovery) will help tokens & other assets discover fair market pricing determined by both buyers/sellers.
- They will offer a "White glove" service to projects to take care of their launch, so the dev teams can focus on BUILDING

$ALOT token utility:
- Governance
- Gas - ALOT token will be the gas currency for the subnet
- Staking - stake/delegate by validators/delegators to secure the subnet
- Incentives - reward/yield for securing the network

Much more on @dexalotcom soon!

Benqi - $QI

By now, we pretty much all know #benqi. Benqi has the #2 highest TVL on #Avalanche and they are a true OG. It's no surprise Benqi will emerge as a key player in subnets.

So let's talk about the $QI token and it's role in the subnet economy...

The $QI token will play an integral role in providing subnets enhanced liquidity through Liquid Staking, validator bootstrapping & boosted DeFi rewards to liquidity providers.

This will be done through veQI, which represents the QI token locked up for a predetermined period.

By accruing voting power (veQI) - users, builders & DAOs will be able to direct staked AVAX to bootstrap & support their subnets (e.g. DFK, Crabada, Dexalot).

This means veQI can direct staked AVAX to validate these subnets to receive rewards, get boosted QI emissions, etc.

Gaming/Metaverse Subnets

We can't talk about subnets without talking about gaming. We have all seen what happens when a crypto game becomes popular on ANY chain - networks go down, gas costs skyrocket, tx get stuck, people get pissed.

*subnets enter the chat*

Subnets are the future of on-chain gaming, there's no better solution. If you are an NFT/metaverse game & not deploying a subnet, you're already behind.

Here's the top 5 games looking to build on subnets. Just a short summary, since each of these deserve their own thread...

#1 - DeFi Kingdoms - $JEWEL

A game, a DEX, a liquidity pool opportunity, and a market of rare utility driven NFTs.

#2 - Crabada - $TUS $CRA

Crabada is an idle #PlayToEarn game on #Avalanche. The game is migrating to it's own subnet "The Swimmer Network" which is showcasing insane speed & performance in testnet. Crabada features crab breeding, marketplace, taverns, & more.

#3 - Shrapnel

Developing a AAA Multiplayer first person shooter powered by Avalanche, creative modding, and true digital ownership.

#4 - Ascenders

Ascenders is a sci-fantasy, open world action RPG with a fully decentralized, player driven economy powered by Avalanche

#5 - Imperium Empires
$IME @ImperiumEmpires

World's First AAA GameFi 2.0 Space Metaverse. This game is backed by Benqi, Three Arrows Capital, & many more big names. This is one I believe has huge potential & I'm currently accumulating $IME token.

Colony Labs - $CLY

Colony labs invests in upcoming $AVAX native projects & distributes tokens to stakers, making it an ideal way to diversify your portfolio. Upcoming features include a validator program, AVAX project index, and an LP program...

Colony is an incubator for new projects, but it also invests 10% in proven projects and 30% in LP for projects in need of liquidity. Few projects have multiple ways to create value for investors, making Colony an exceptional opportunity...

The upcoming validator program will invest 10% of Colony’s capital to validators on new subnets. They also plan to launch a subnet, which will roll out in Q4. What will a Colony subnet offer? We don't know yet, but I expect more innovation from this experienced/doxxed team.

Pangolin - $PNG

Pangolin was the first DEX on #AVAX. In a recent proposal by @jtrollip (Pangolin CEO) - the plans for a new #Avalanche subnet, called Camelot, were revealed...

Camelot validators must hold $PNG. One unique function of Camelot is its auto arbitrage on DEXs & CEXs. Holders of $PNG will receive profits from arbitrage. The first version of Camelot will provide liquidity to Pangolin, but the team plans to expand to other DeFi protocols.

More reasons I like $PNG:

(1) It's cheap at $21M market cap - upside is much greater than downside IMO
(2) Cross-chain - confirmed they will expand their DEX to Terra
(3) New UI - the new UI (in beta) features a modern design, limit orders, and much more to be bullish on.

Avalanche - $AVAX

Last but certainly not least, if you want to bet on subnets - one of the safest bets is $AVAX. Avalanche is the blockchain that will power all subnets, and #AVAX is the token that powers Avalanche. You already know this, I already know this...

What you may not know is that all subnets will require validators to secure their networks, & all subnet validators MUST also validate the primary chain. Right now, a validator must stake 2000+ #AVAX (this could lower in the future).

Now that's a lot of locked up $AVAX 🚀

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