Trent Telenko Profile picture
Married father of four great kids, Retired US DoD Civil Servant, Section 22 Special Interest Group list admin, Chicagoboyz-dot-net history blogger

Mar 7, 2022, 9 tweets

This is going to be a short thread on Ukraine's culture in war and it's vendetta with the Russian Army’s 247th Guards Air Assault Regiment.🧵

I've done three posts on Ukraine's Maidan Color revolution & aftermath, in this one I get into how Ukrainians are wired in dealing with dishonorable enemies.

Ukraine’s Viking Revival
January 29, 2015 by Trent Telenko…

From the link:

"Ukraine is returning to its cultural roots from the Kievan Rus/Viking period, the Cossack period being an extension of that. Community is everything.

These people are at heart Viking berserkers – and we have seen it over and over again on the battlefield

...over the last 9 months. Cornered Ukrainian officers, wounded, surrounded by Russian Spetsnaz, pulling the pins on a string of grenades, to take the enemy with them, which they did on multiple occasions."

I've been expecting the full Viking Berserkergang...and seeing it.

The Russian 247th Guards VDV Air Assault Brigade was pivotal to the Ukrainian loss at Ilovaysk in the 2014-15 fighting.

Thus it was likely involved in the Ilovaysk murder of Ukrainian wounded and POWs.

The Ukrainian annihilation of that unit in this invasion was preordained.

A Ukrainian reading friend says he sees the phrase "revenge for ..." popping up all of the time in Ukrainian social media.

Then, when it was reported a Su-27s killed two Russian CANDIDs carrying VDV,
5/ was "revenge for the Luhansk Il-76 ambush".

Whatever else happens, Putin will not be able to conquer the entire Ukraine and may not even get to keep the Donbass.

Putin has created a Ukrainian nationalist monster that will hate Russians for both the great famine of

...the 1930’s under Stalin and now the very raw territorial wound of detached Eastern Ukraine and Crimea.

Ukrainians will work for a 100 years to get all that back, minus anyone who is visibly, culturally, Russian.

The Ukrainians are now fighting a national people's war.

The Russians are fighting as a classic Oriental despotism whose chief objective is to keep Putin in power, whatever effect this has on Russia’s long term interests.

This Ukrainian Viking Revival will be the defining event of the early 21st Century.


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