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Mar 7, 2022, 23 tweets

Florida's Don't Say Gay bill is now up on the floor of the State Senate for amendments and questions. We'll keep you updated here.

Or you can watch live. As always -- #LetFreeFloridaSayGay


. @SenJanetCruz files an amendment to protect safe spaces for LGBTQ students.

It fails.

Sen. @FarmerForFLSen files an amendment to eliminate the "Don't Say Gay" provision in the bill, removing the line targeting "sexual orientation and gender identity".

Sen. @dennisbaxley says that's the most important part of the bill.

The amendment fails.

Sen. @TinaPolsky points out that while @GovRonDeSantis claims this bill is about sex education -- that's not what the bill says at all.

She also calls out the bigoted insinuations by the Governor's office that anyone opposing the bill is a pedophile.

Sen. @ShevrinJones files an amendment to replace a ban on classroom instruction on LGBTQ people with a ban on classroom efforts to *change* someone's sexual orientation or gender identity.

Now Sen. @ShevrinJones is brought to tears sharing his powerful story of being a queer, Black man in FL. How much he sacrificed in order to be himself, including friendships.

He begs his colleagues to open their hearts & vote with compassion. "Do no harm."

His amendment fails.

. @LeaderBookFL files an amendment to clarify what "classroom instruction" means. Supporters of the bill regularly say this bill is limited to "curriculum", but that is not the definition of "instruction". Leader Book's amendment would clarify.

It fails.

. @senpizzo files an amendment to remove the portion of the bill that allows parents to sue the school district.

It fails.

Sen. @loriberman offers an amendment to create resources for parents on how best to talk to their children about sexual orientation or gender identity at home.

It fails.

We're on to questions on the bill -- unamended.

Sen. @TinaPolsky : We've talked a lot about K-3. But the "or age appropriate" section extends it to ALL grades, correct?

Sen. @dennisbaxley : Correct.

Sen. @TinaPolsky : How do we know that someone appointed by the Dept of Education to handle a complaint is neutral on the issue?

Sen. @dennisbaxley admits -- he doesn't know.

Sen. @VicTorres_FL : Do you believe teaching about LGBTQ people is dangerous?

Sen. @dennisbaxley refuses to answer. "I don't think it's important what I believe."

He has equated LGBTQ parents to "drunks" and "drug abusers" in the past.

. @SenAudrey2eet : If a student, as instructed by the school, brings in a family tree project and says, "I have two mommies" -- what is a teacher supposed to say?

Sen. @dennisbaxley invokes Russia, accusing schools of "social engineering" children.

In fact, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed his country's own "Don't Say Gay" bill in 2013.


. @LeaderBookFL : State education standards ask me to instruct on families of yesterday vs. families of today. If families of today can mean two mommies or two daddies -- will that invoke a lawsuit?

. @SenJanetCruz : We have been teaching kids for I don't know how long. Why now? How does a teacher prove that conversations about LGBTQ people are "organic" and not anything she instructed? Are we prepared for what's coming?

. @senpizzo : Senator Baxley, can you define gender identity?

Sen. @dennisbaxley : I don't have a prepared answer.

.@senpizzo : Can you define sexual orientation?

Sen. @dennisbaxley : I'm not interested in being cross-examined.

Sen. @dennisbaxley : My understanding of sexual orientation is "man or woman".

. @senpizzo : Can anyone define grooming for me? Because I learned yesterday from @GovRonDeSantis ' office that if I don't support this bill, I must be in favor of grooming.

. @SenAudrey2eet : If the concern is topics that are "not appropriate" for children, why are sexual orientation and gender identity singled out and no other topics included?

Sen. @TinaPolsky : Why is drug use not a "sensitive" topic in this bill? Why not life & death? Why only sexual orientation & gender identity?

Sen. @dennisbaxley says it's because there's a "wave" of students "trying on new identities" because they're being engineered to.

And with that, questions and amendments conclude.

The Don't Say Gay bill, in its original, unamended form, will be up for debate and a final vote on the Senate floor next.

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