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UFOB knows that a Non Human Intelligence is present. View our Video Playlists via the linktree below:

Mar 8, 2022, 33 tweets

When a Non Human Intelligence warns us for an apocalyptic event..

We should listen.

#UFOB #Enduapsecrecy

On request:
More Ariel
#ufotwitter #UFOB

Lisil Philips & Salma Siddick with Randall Nickerson
#ufob #ufotwitter #EndUAPSecrecy

Salma & Randall, interviewed by Martin Willis
#UFOB #ufotwitter #EndUAPSecrecy

Part 1 of 2 original footage

Part 2 of 2 original footage

Interview with Gunter Hofer
#UFOB #ufotwitter #EndUAPSecrecy

Salma & Randall, interviewed by Martin Willis
#UFOB #ufotwitter #EndUAPSecrecy

Lisil Philips & Salma Siddick with Randall Nickerson
#ufob #ufotwitter #EndUAPSecrecy

Part 1 of 2 / original footage:

Part 2 of 2/ original footage:

The Cynthia Hind Booklets, a treasure trove of documented African UFO cases: ufoafrinews.com/resources.html

#UFOB #Enduapsecrecy #ufotwitter

Randall Nickerson tracked down most Ariel witnesses. He did a tremendous job and deserves the credits for that.
#UFOB #ufotwitter #Enduapsecrecy #ArielSchool

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