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Mar 8, 2022, 6 tweets

These women are running a "Sexy Summer Camp" for children in rural Kentucky, with lessons on "sex liberation," "gender exploration," "BDSM," "being a sex worker," "self-managed abortions," and "sexual activity while using licit and illicit drugs."

Here's the agenda for the camp. I'll be doing a more extensive report in the coming weeks.

The leader of Sexy Summer Camp recommends that children begin to masturbate as toddlers.

"Masturbation is really healthy and I recommend it to people of all ages. All ages. As soon as my nephews could talk, they were doing that."

As part of the Sexy Summer Camp's "self-pleasure workshop," instructors promise to give a "hands on" lesson simulating masturbation on students' hands.

The founder of Sexy Summer Camp, Tanya Turner, identifies as a witch. She says she was raised by "a host of witchy women" in a "coven-like mountain matriarchy." She uses tarot cards, crystals, and sex toys as part of her practice and encourages people to "join her coven."

UPDATE: The leaders of Sexy Summer Camp are now attempting to scrub their information from the internet.

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