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Biased. Journalist. Telegram: Founder: Grabien, The Pub, NewsLists & BioSpa

Mar 8, 2022, 24 tweets

THREAD! When the Woke Goes to War

1) Ban opera singers from the Met

2) Punish NYC restaurants w/ Russian names!

3) No BigMacs for Russians!

4) Crush the cripples!!!

5) Ban cats

6) No more high fructose corn syrup for you!

7) Freelancing platform: Russians, Belarusians need not apply!

8) “Without shoes, maybe they can’t march to war?”

9) The 80s hipsters on Russia’s frontlines will feel powerless w/o their trusty Swatch watch

10) Russian wigger rappers hardest hit

11) Not sure how this will help but since when does that matter

12) B/c we all know frappuccinos are Putin’s secret weapon

13) Paper airplanes to the rescue!

14) No more life-shortening fast food for you!

15) Who knew world peace was as simple as canceling Tchaikovsky?

[image via @SonnyBunch]

16) Let's see how far the Russian army gets w/o thongs!

17) If we just deprive lower-class Russians working opportunities, then finally they’ll be empowered to overthrow Putin!

18) This is smart since most Russian hockey players are actually secret KGB agents

19) No hockey phenoms welcome

20) Who cares that this piano prodigy denounced Putin’s aggression … the mob seeks fresh flesh!

21) Facebook/Instagram: “We now return to your regularly scheduled 2 Minutes Hate”

22) Facebook: Actually neo-nazis aren’t so bad after all

23) Due process is so 2021

24) Possibly the fatal blow to Putin’s war effort

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