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Mar 9, 2022, 8 tweets

Thread: My 5 Favorite @beefyfinance Vaults For March


As an avowed lover of Beefy Finance, I like to take every opportunity to evangelize on its behalf :)

In that vein, here's 5 awesome Beefy vaults for March!


#1 is the new Beefy Escrowed Fantom vault.

It is a synthetic version of staked/locked Fantom that Beefy built, and is currently earning 35% APY normally and- right now- a boost up to 49%!


Next up in on Beefy's @MetisDAO vaults, and is the $METIS - $mUSDC pool from @tethysfinance!

$METIS is one of the few tokens currently pumping, and this pool is paying over 90% apr (164% apy)!


Next is one of the highest apr stable/stable pools around right now, the $jEUR - $USDC pool on @beefyfinance - Polygon, from the gigabrains at @Jarvis_Network!

Currently at 20% apy!


Next is an awesome vault from @pangolindex on Beefy-Avax...

This is the $UST - $AVAX lp, currently sitting at almost 60% apy!

This is a great position imo, and a great hedge when/if market drops lower :)


And finally, back on Beefy-Fantom, we have the @WigoSwap $USDC - $FTM pool :)

This one is currently at 72% APY, and is another great hedge position that still pays solid yield :)


These are just a few of the incredible options that exist on @beefyfinance so make sure to check them out!

Again, I'm not affiliated with Beefy at all, just love their protocol and want to spread awareness of all that they're doing :)


If you found this helpful plz rt and follow! :)

And big shout out to all my fellow Beefy Finance-lovers out there like @beefy_manz @thebeefycow the goat cow @w3soBeefy @__ePete @beefypulse @HecSaurus @meaty_oar @mjoaris and all the others I'm forgetting!



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