rektdiomedes Profile picture
Crypto, macro, thumos-maxxing. Curatoor @thedailydegenhq. Ambassador @silentdao_. Perps Paladin @vertex_protocol. Threads in Highlights tab.
26 subscribers
Feb 14 14 tweets 6 min read
Thread: Maple Finance Update


With the 180* turnaround in regulatory/political environment, I firmly believe we are on the cusp of an absolute defi renaissance...

And there are few projects more emblematic of this and more poised to benefit than @maplefinance.


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As background, Maple was founded by gigabrain savants @syrupsid and @joe_defi.

They saw the superiority of blockchain-based financial rails very early, and launched Maple as a result.

Here is a recent appearance by @syrupsid on CNBC:

Dec 12, 2024 18 tweets 8 min read
Thread: 10 Hacks To Stay Healthy (And Get Jacked!) Amidst The Bull Market Insanity


Alright my dear anon... So you want to lock-in and stay glued to the charts for the next 12 months and retire your bloodline for eternity???

Here's how to stay healthy while doing so!

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One: Get some simple lifting equipment

Most people vastly overestimate the need to go to a gym...

Indeed, you can very realistically get a top 1% fizeek entirely at home.

If dudes in prison can get jacked in a cell you can get jacked never leaving your apartment :)

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Oct 14, 2024 23 tweets 10 min read
Thread: The Truth About Depression (And How To Overcome It)


The entire modern discourse around depression is flawed and counterproductive...

And untold people suffer immensely as a result...


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I've had a number of dudes request my thoughts on this subject...

So in this thread I am going to break down what I believe are the actual components of this epidemic of depression...

As well as my thoughts on how to overcome it...

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Oct 7, 2024 6 tweets 4 min read
List: The 40 Best Crypto YouTube Channels


So... I sometimes hear people lament that there aren't many good crypto channels on YT, and its all gaping-mouth schlockfest type stuff...

This could not be further from the truth though, as there's actually a ton of great channels if you know where to look...

Below I will list the top 40 imho :)

In no particular order, they are:

-Jesse Eckel - @Jesseeckel - excellent crypto channel focused on overall market analysis, defi, reviews of wallets and tax softwares and etc

-Coin Bureau - @coinbureau - the best of all the large mainstream crypto YouTube channels imo, usually the first channel I recommend to newbies just getting into crypto

-Wajahat Mughal - @0xMughal - one of the best new crypto channels I've begun watching over the last year

-Krypto Cove - @KryptoCove - the absolute top channel that exists for everything airdrop-related, extremely well-done videos 

-Blocmates - @blocmatesdotcom - consistently great content from @Grantblocmates, @jediblocmates, @danblocmates and crew - also they are hosting the new show '$TAO Talk' on this channel as well, which is a Bittensor-focused podcast by @563defi and @brodyadreon with regular shows + guests relating to everything $TAO/Bittensor-focused

-Still Early - @StillEarlyPod - another good one from the @blocmatesdotcom family

-A Blocmates Orange - @blocmatesorange -Bitcoin and Bitcoin-defi focused channel from the @blocmatesdotcom crew

-The Calculator Guy - @phtevenstrong - fantastic geeky defi stuff on yields, delta-neutral farming, etc

-Bankless - @BanklessHQ - some of most consistently high quality crypto content out there

-Dynamo Defi - @Dynamo_Patrick - excellent videos on variety of subjects + tons of good tutorials

(thread continues in next tweet...)Image
-Unlayered Podcast - @UnlayeredPod - good one I just started watching recently with all sorts of gigabrain crypto content

-Hash Rate Pod - from @markjeffrey - great content on all sorts of stuff including Bittensor/TAO, Fantom/Sonic, Bitcoin-defi, DePIN, and more

-Unchained - @Unchained_pod - great channel from @laurashin with tons of high quality crypto interviews + roundtable discussions

-Drake On Digital - @drakeondigital - in-depth videos on a wide variety of stuff including memecoins, AI, defi, Bitcoin, etc

-Thor Hartvigsen - @ThorHartvigsen - excellent channel on general crypto investing, defi, airdrops, etc

-The Defiant - @DefiantNews - great defi-focused channel from @CamiRusso with lots of good interviews, etc

-Ceazor's Snack Sandwhich - @Ceazor7 - tons of extremely gigabrain deep-dives on smaller defi projects, absolutely top-notch

-'Shooting The Sh*t' - @ShootingSh_t - great roundtable crypto podcast featuring my friends @schizoxbt, @Stoiiic, @crypthoem, and @zerototom

-DeFi Dad - @DeFi_Dad - great videos on everything defi-related

-Daan Crypto - @DaanCrypto - overall market insights, TA, etc

Jan 25, 2024 17 tweets 7 min read

But he did not allow himself to marinate in depression, or numb his pain with pleasure/vice/etc...

He rather fled towards the hard frontier out West, in what was then Dakota Territory... ceaselessly repeating his mantra "Get action... Get action..."

19/x Image And we can extend this concept to the realm of art as well...

It is said that the greatest inspiration behind The Lord Of The Rings was Tolkien's lifelong grief over the loss of both his parents as a child, and two of his closest friends in WWI (which he also fought in)...


Jan 25, 2024 19 tweets 9 min read
Thread: Thoughts On Life And The Transmutation Of Pain


So this is a long, meandering schizo thread...

But it starts with a story involving a family I once knew...


This family- who I'll call the N's- lived in a small, extremely derelict trailer park way out in the woods (example type images below)...

This was hardcore, radical, American-gothic style poverty... beyond that which most people in the US will ever see...

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Jan 16, 2024 16 tweets 6 min read
Thread: 10 Utterly Brilliant Crypto/Macro Crossover Thinkers You Should Be Following In 2024


One good thing about all the cross-market carnage the last two years is that it very much cemented the fact that crypto is macro and macro is crypto...

The recent ETF approvals and coming Circle IPO further illustrate this...

And as time passes and crypto slowly eats the tradfi financial rails (see the esteemed Larry Fink below for more on this :) ), they will converge more and more...

Nov 21, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
Thread: 10 Extremely Good Crypto + Macro Videos I Watched Recently...


Haven't done one of these in awhile, but watched some absolute bangers the last couple weeks so wanted to curate them in a thread!

Here they are:


One: @0x_Kun's recent interview w @cryptodan19

The blue wassie has become one of my favorite follows on all of CT, w some of the most well thought-out wisdom on investing in crypto of anyone on this app.

Click below to access video via the QT:

Nov 6, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
Thread: 10 Great Crypto Chart/Data Poasters You Should Be Following!


So in my research for @thedailydegenhq I am constantly looking for good charts/data to include, and wanted to share ten of the best accounts to follow if you like that sort of thing :)

List below:

One: @Flowslikeosmo

Probably the most prolific chart and data poster in defi...

Every single day Osmo posts a variety of interesting stuff. Dude never misses, insane consistency 💪

Sep 21, 2023 32 tweets 13 min read
Thread: Logging, Wage-Cucking, Remote Work, And Wifi Money


When I was growing up, one of my best friends was a Mormon kid named JS... (cont)...

JS was the youngest of 6 siblings, and because his family lived near the local elementary + high school, I often hung out at his house in the evenings after football/baseball/etc practice, and would, as a result- very occasionally- see his father, RS.

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Aug 21, 2023 25 tweets 9 min read
Thread: 10 Reasons Why Crypto Will 10x In The Coming Years


All of last year we heard proclamations regarding crypto's demise, yet it has remained resilient...

In that vein... here's ten reasons why it will not only survive but thrive, and 10x in the coming years :)

1/x Image One: Stablecoins

Stablecoins have clearly demonstrated themselves as the 'sticky use case' of crypto at this point.

There is a massive worldwide demand for dollars especially... and stables are increasingly serving that need...

Aug 3, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
Thread: The Five Best Speeches I Watched From ETHcc


Alright my friends, I have been geeking out watching ETHcc speeches on YT the last couple weeks and wanted to do a quick thread of some of my favorites :)

Here they are...

1/x Image One: @VitalikButerin on the history of account abstraction.

This was the headline speech of the conference obviously, and was very technical and very interesting, with some general alfa at the end:

Jul 17, 2023 24 tweets 10 min read
Thread: My Friend JF, Who Would Have Been An OG Bitcoin Whale


Back in the day, in my first year of college, I became good friends with a dude named JF...

We were both from the opposite (more rural) side of the state, and bonded over that, and other shared interests...

1/x Image I was a bit of a boisterous redneck jock type at the time, but JF was the opposite... exceptionally polite, softspoken, and introspective.

Indeed, he was one of the kindest, most decent guys I have ever met.

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Jun 27, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
Thread: Some Thoughts On Privacy, Defi, And Adoption


Encrypting important information has been a concern of us humans since the dawn of written history...

1/x The Spartan's scytale devices, Da Vinci's cryptex, James Jay's invisble ink in the Revolutionary War...

All of these are historical antecedents of what we see in crypto today, so far most notably via innovations such as Monero, Tornado Cash, etc.


Jun 20, 2023 19 tweets 8 min read
Thread: 10 Ridiculously Smart People On Crypto-Twitter Who You Should Be Following


One of the main reasons I am in brypto is that I un-ironically believe it has attracted the greatest minds of our generation...

1/x Image Indeed, I am continually blown away by the intellectual capital one encounters here.

Its probably easy to miss the significance of this if you are just starting out, but from my vantage point the sheer amount of knowledge/intelligence/creativity/etc is mind blowing...

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Jun 15, 2023 23 tweets 12 min read
Thread: 10 Thoughts On Macro + Crypto


Are we headed for economic collapse?

Or will the 'Powell pause' usher in a renaissance in meme stocks and monkey jpegs?!?

1/x Image The Fed finally paused yesterday after nearly a year and a half of interest rate hikes...

And we currently find ourselves in a truly fascinating situation macro-wise (to say the least).

Here's some random thoughts on all the craziness...

May 15, 2023 20 tweets 10 min read
Thread: Why The Intellectually-Curious Will Dominate The 2020's


One of my favorite parts of The Lord Of The Rings is where Gandalf goes to Minas Tirith to search the depths of its archives for information on the Ring Of Power...

1/x Image He ultimately finds a lost account of the one ring, written in Isildur's own hand, long forgotten by the latter day men of Gondor...

For, despite having this vast trove of ancient books and manuscripts, no one in the city has delved through them for hundreds of years...

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May 1, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Thread: 4 More Brypto Positions + Housekeeping Update


Greetings bros - I didn't do any portfolio updates this month bc they haven't changed at all so figured would be boring...

With that said.... (cont)

1/x Image I have ended up with a few more positions (mostly on BSC) so created a new BSC portfolio on @NestedFi to reflect them :)

Just for interest sake, they are... (cont)…

Apr 24, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Thread: PSA On Gigachadded @NestedFi Trading Competition(s)!


Greetings bros - wanted to make ya'll aware of @NestedFi's upcoming trading competitions :)

1/x Image @NestedFi has been buidling up a storm as of late and has a ton of new innovations planned for the rest of 2023, one of which is trading competitions.

In this regard, they are currently holding their first 'beta' one (though with real prizes!):

Apr 19, 2023 24 tweets 12 min read
Thread: Isolation, Wifi Money, And The Prison Of Modern Society


One of my all-time favorite stories is The Count Of Monte Cristo...

I've read and/or watched different versions of it ever since I was a kid, and its always resonated with me intensely.

1/x Image The story of the wrongfully-imprisoned young Frenchman Edmond Dantes and his transformation in his cold, dark jail cell- through what we today would call radical self-improvement- always seemed significant to me, and I found myself drawn to it over and over again.

Apr 17, 2023 13 tweets 9 min read
Thread: The Top Ten Crypto + Macro Videos I Watched This Month


Greetings my froggish brethren 🐸💪

Here's all the best videos I watched the last few weeks!

1/x Image One: @biancoresearch On @Blockworks_

Imo Jim Bianco has had the most accurate and insightful takes on the macro landscape of anyone for the last couple years.

Highly, highly recommended:
