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Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Mar 9, 2022, 7 tweets

DOOCY: "Why did you guys decide to rebrand the rising gas prices as the #PutinPriceHike?"

Psaki: "I mean, if you want to use that on Fox, I welcome that."

Doocy to Psaki: "We have heard the President warn for months the gas prices were rising b/c of the supply chain & b/c of post-pandemic demand, if you guys knew for months that this was going to be the #PutinPriceHike, why are we just hearing that now?"

Doocy: "You and the President are both talking about producing energy here, saying...oil & gas companies have 9000 permits to drill now they could be drilling...Would [he] cut red tape to make that possible?"

Psaki: "What red tape needs to be cut when they have the permits?"

Doocy: "Does...Biden think that each of these 9,000 leases...have oil or gas in them? B/c industry experts are saying herring. Some...are viable & some are not. So when you say that, this represents a fundamental misunderstanding as to how this process works."

Doocy: "Is a restart of the the Keystone XL construction completely off the table as long as Joe Biden is president?"

Psaki: "Well, why don't you tell me what that would help you address?"

Doocy: "I'm asking you if it is an option. You guys say are all options on the table."

Psaki: "If we're trying to bring about more supply, that does not address any problem."

Doocy: "Is supply from Canada, a friendly ally, instead of Saudi Arabia --"

Psaki: "That -- that's...we're already getting that oil...The pipeline is just a delivery mechanism[.]"

Doocy: "Is it possible that Joe Biden will ever say, 'you guys can go ahead w/construction of Keystone XL?"

Psaki: "There's no plans for that & it would not address any of the problems we're have currently." (7/7)

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