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Mar 10, 2022, 44 tweets

🔴 Ukraine's president has accused Russia of "genocide" after it bombed a children's hospital and maternity ward in Mariupol on Wednesday.

Follow all the latest updates on our liveblog here 👇…

🔴Russian military commanders as well as people at the very top of the Russian government will be held to account for any war crimes in Ukraine, Britain's armed forces minister has said…

🔴The Polish Border Guard said on Thursday that 1.43 million people have entered Poland from Ukraine since Russia launched its invasion…

🔴Civilians have started leaving Sumy through a "humanitarian corridor" on Thursday following an agreement on a local ceasefire, the regional governor has said…

Ukraine-Russia morning briefing:
1⃣Zelensky accuses Putin of genocide
2⃣Do not join the fight, British soldiers told
3⃣43,000 people leave Sumy in one day
4⃣PM promises 'maximum economic cost' for Russia
5⃣Russian progress still slow…

🔴Russia's Defence Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov has claimed that Russia has destroyed 2,911 Ukrainian military infrastructure facilities so far…

🔴The head of the UN nuclear agency is en route to Turkey for talks on ensuring the safety of Ukraine's nuclear facilities…

🔴The World Health Organization says it has confirmed 18 attacks on medical facilities since the Russian invasion began two weeks ago…

🔴Russia and Ukraine's foreign ministers met in Turkey on Thursday in the first high-level talks between the two countries since the invasion…

🔴Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko has instructed Belarusian specialists to ensure power supply to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine…

🔴Britain has frozen the assets of seven Russian businessmen including Roman Abramovich…

🔴 NEW: Six-year old girl among three killed in bombing of Mariupol children's hospital

Follow all the latest updates on our liveblog here 👇…

🔴The operator of Ukraine's gas pipelines has warned that Russian forces were on the territory of more than one gas compressor station, posing a potential threat to smooth gas transit to Europe…

🔴Ukraine and Russia have failed to agree to a a 24 hour ceasefire following a meeting between the two country's foreign ministers…

🔴Mariupol is under attack from the air, its city council has said with missiles raining down on residential buildings…

🚨 BREAKING: Ukrainians with passports will no longer need to go to a visa processing centre to give their biometrics before coming to Britain, Priti Patel has announced…

🔴 NEW: West must understand 'danger' of sending Kyiv weapons, warns Kremlin

Follow all the latest updates on our liveblog here 👇…

🔴Polish state railway company PKP said on Thursday it was offering free tickets to Ukrainians travelling onwards to parts of Germany…

🔴Russia and Belarus are “mightily close” to default as western sanctions cripple their economies, the World Bank has warned…

🔴Ukraine has asked Russia for access to fix the power lines of Chernobyl…

🔴China's censors, who determine what can be discussed on the country's social media platforms, are deleting comments protesting Russia's invasion of Ukraine…

🔴A video showing the hair-raising moment two bomb disposal personnel defused a Russian bomb with their own hands and a bottle of water has gone viral.

Read the piece in full here 👇…

Ukraine-Russia lunchtime briefing:
1⃣Talks end in stalement - but more talking to come
2⃣Roman Abramovich sanctioned
3⃣Mariupol hospital was 'full of radicals'
4⃣Poland calls for no-fly zone
5⃣UK to simplify Ukraine refugee process…

🔴Zelensky has said that 60,000 people were evacuated yesterday…

🔴US vice-president Kamala Harris has said that the nation of Ukraine is suffering "atrocities of unimaginable proportions"…

🔴The Government has said that Roman Abramovich is, or has been, involved in “destabilising Ukraine” and undermining or threatening its independence via Evraz PLC, a steel manufacturing and mining company.

Read the full piece here 👇…

🔴Ukrainian's Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights has said that Russian troops have killed 71 children and wounded 100 others since it invaded Ukraine…

🔴 Russian shelling of Mariupol on Thursday prevented a humanitarian convoy reaching the besieged Ukrainian city, local officials have said…

🔴 Russia has been repeatedly accused of using and covering up the use of chemical weapon.

Read the five incidents where Russia has been linked to chemical weapon use here👇…

🔴Satellite imagery recorded by Nasa shows how Russia's invasion has caused countrywide blackouts in Ukraine.

Read more here 👇…

🔴Russia's energy ministry has said that Belarusian specialists had restored electricity supply to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine…

⚠️Global food prices will rise further if the West intensifies its economic pressure on Russia, Vladimir Putin has warned…

🏡Germans have offered up 300,000 private homes to house refugees from Ukraine following Russia's invasion of the country, Germany's interior ministry said…

🔴People trapped in the besieged city of Mariupol are “attacking each other for food”, as resources including water, medicines and fuel become increasingly scarce, aid workers have warned…

🇷🇺Russia says it has seized two gas stations in eastern Ukraine.

Ukraine's gas pipeline operator warned it poses a risk to European supplies, although there were no signs of an immediate impact on flows…

🔴Twitter has removed a tweet by the Russian Embassy in the UK which was branded "fake news" by the Culture Secretary…

🇺🇦An aid worker – dubbed the “Angel of Odesa” and likened to a “British Schindler” – has led a convoy of 270 refugee orphans out of Ukraine to safety

Jeremy Posen, 53, rescued more than 1,000 Jewish refugees, including 270 orphans, from the city of Odesa…

🚨Nato could intervene if Vladimir Putin crosses a red line on chemical weapons, a minister has suggested…

🗣️Boris Johnson has accused Vladimir Putin of a "cynical" attempt to manufacture a pretext for using chemical weapons in Ukraine.

"The stuff which you are hearing about chemical weapons is straight out of the Russian playbook"…

❌In yet another corporate exit from Russia, Stellantis has announced the suspension of all exports of cars to the country as well as all imports from there…

🔴NEW: The Russian defence ministry has claimed it will open humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of Ukrainians from five cities tomorrow, despite Kyiv accusing Moscow of failing to respect previous ceasefires…

🗣️“We are not animals, unlike them. We have a sense of humanity,” says Dr Viktor Pysanko.

Staff at the Zaporizhzhya military hospital are in dire need of the latest equipment to treat wounded soldiers.

@RolandOliphant reports👇…

🔴Ukraine has told the UN nuclear watchdog it has lost all contact with the radioactive waste facilities at Chernobyl, which is now held by Russian forces…

🚨Russian state television has broadcast calls for Vladimir Putin, the country’s president, to stop his war in Ukraine during a programme in which pundits openly likened the invasion to "Afghanistan, but even worse"…

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