Donnie Darkened Profile picture
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." 1 Peter 5:8

Mar 10, 2022, 8 tweets

Donald Trump completely designed his Trump Tower to be a symbolic and occult citadel for himself pointing to himself as god.

I will show you how.

First, Trump Tower has an inverted Pyramid with 6 trees on each side. (6x6x6)

It gets Much Stranger...

Trump Tower has multiple addresses.

Trump Tower is at 721–725 Fifth Avenue in north Midtown.

This perfectly mirrors Daniel 7:21-25 speaking about the “Little Horn” of Daniel.

Which is the False Messiah.

Trump’s apartment in Trump Tower is on the 66th floor.

What’s strange is, there is only 58 floors, but Donald Trump insists that his floor is the “66th.”

Revelation is the 66th and final book in the Bible.

The Manhattan Trump Tower Entrance and the Kaaba of Mecca both represent the Saturnian Black Cube with gold.

The Saturnian Black Cube represents the source of God in the high heaven through the Gate.

It represents the Open Gate of God.

He truly believes that HE is god.

His apartment on the 66th floor is riddled with art of Greek gods, especially that of Zeus's son, Apollo.

Who is the god of sun & light, healing & diseases, truth and prophecy. etc.

There are many connections to him with Apollyon the Destroyer. Who is mentioned in Rev 9:11

Apollyon the Destroyer is known as Abaddon in Hebrew.

In the bible, he is known as the archangel of the abyss and comes out of the Bottomless Pit in Rev 9:11

Also remember the plethora of symbolic connections from Trump to code 911 (119.)

Donald = 119 (Simple Gematria)

There are many who believe that Donald Trump is trying to be a modern day Apollo.

But there are many who believe that Donald Trump is actually Apollo incarnate.

I do not know where to stand on this, so you may make a decision for yourself after looking at all of the evidence.

Remember, Donald Trump was FULLY in charge of designing his building.

If you truly believe all of this just happens to be a coincidence, then believe that.

But for those of you with the eyes to see, understand that Donald Trump is more than a puppet.

He IS the Antichrist.

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