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@LaStampa writer | Politics, wars, foreign influence, kleptocracy | new book Il tesoro di Putin (April 2023) | previous Oligarchi (2021), L'Esperimento + 4

Mar 10, 2022, 6 tweets

at 10.52 pm on thursday 10 March, Roman Abramovich's yacht "My Solaris" is still in full Italian waters, in front of Syracuse (37.04223 ° / 15.86757 °)

on @LaStampa


at 8.38 am on Friday the yacht My Solaris - of the owner of the company that supplies steel to the army of Criminal Putin - is still in Italian waters, not far from Crotone, Calabria, probably headed for Montenegro, where he expects to find comfortable protection

Con un semplice tool si può vedere la rotta recente dello yacht “My Solaris”

Alle 21.01 di venerdì sera 11 marzo, il My Solaris di Roman Abramovich, scappando alle sanzioni Uk (che considerano un’azienda di Abramovich fornitrice dell’acciaio con cui sarebbero fatti i carri armati di Putin), c’è l’ha quasi fatta a uscire dallo spazio marino italiano


Roman Abramovich's My Solaris yacht ran a little longer tonight, and after cautiously sailing past Sicily and Calabria (grazie Italia!), it is now in the port of Tivat, Montenegro. Friendly port.
she made it to escape.
End of the story. For now. #YachtWatch

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