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Mar 10, 2022, 5 tweets

Ok, Pentagon, USAF, President Biden's admin

Here is your solution to Polish Mig 29 'transfer point' problem

Take a flight of 7 C 5 Galaxies from 436th at Dover. Fly them empty to Poland. They can fly 54 tons on the Atlantic route. That is 4 Mig 29s per Galaxy

Buy the Polish Mig 29s at 100 dollars per jet. Remove wings. Plane weighs 11 tons empty & will fit in the hold. Load 4 Migs each to seven C 5s. Fly them to Dover. Roll Migs out with Polish markings. Have Polish Ambassador & press present. Hand over. Paint them with USAF insignia

Roll the AMERICAN OWNED Mig 29s in US markings back into the C 5 Galaxies, while world press watches. Refuel the Galaxies. Fly them back to Europe. Now fly over NATO air space to Ukraine. Fly a NATO E3 Sentry AWACS plane in escort, behind the Galaxies to see their flight is clear

Putin will not enter NATO air space to intercept this aerial cargo convoy of 8 jets. Only issue is to cross over to Ukraine air space. Organize escort by Ukraine's air force when Galaxies cross into Ukraine air space (AWACS plane stays outside, in NATO air space keeping watch).

Fly the 7 C5 Galaxy planes to nearest Ukrainian airport with long runway like Lviv's Danylo Halytskyi airport, has nice 2km long paved runway. Roll Migs off the Galaxies, hand to Ukraine. They paint Ukraine insignia

The turn-around takes 36 hours but gets Migs in air by Sunday

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