Donnie Discerned Profile picture
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." 1 Peter 5:8

Mar 11, 2022, 11 tweets

This is an actual book.

Are you waking up yet?

And this one too.

Remember that his fathers middle name and his grandmother’s maiden name is Christ.

And let’s not forget this either.

Mo Brooks at Trump rally August 21 2021: “I’m proud to announce the SECOND COMING of Donald J Trump!”

Vile billboard put up in Georgia.

I’ve never seen so much blasphemy surround one man who people claim to be “of God.”

This blasphemous oil painting put up just north of the birthplace of Trump’s grandfather, Friedrich Trump.

Israelites believe that a rabbi identified Trump as the Messiah 300 years ago.

Trump was put on an Israel shekel alongside King Cyrus, the Gentile messianic figure who allowed for the second Temple of Solomon to be rebuilt.

I have made countless threads with hundreds of evidences all pointing to Donald Trump being the coming False Christ and many are finding more everyday.

If you are not convinced now, you will be with the coming events unfolding very soon.

God bless you all on these Last Days.

One more thing I will add, I always have to say this.

The Bible does NOT say the the world will love him. It says the world will worship him. They will worship him by taking his mark or by obedience to his system.

Not one person in the history of this world is “loved by all.”

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