Keri Kukral Profile picture
Med Devices. Sci-Tech Media. Former Hoosier. Purdue.

Mar 12, 2022, 34 tweets

2009: Isabel Maxwell, Steve Jurvetson, Breitbart, Mnuchin, Scaramucci, Murdoch, Blackstone, Israel, China and a handful of Jeffrey Epstein slush non-profits.

Hey look, Xeni Jardin’s first boss!!!

Is that… Michael Crow, founding chairman of CIA’s INQTel (the compromised part) who is head of ASU and in early 2019 partnered with Leonardo ISAST, Robert Maxwell’s org?

Xeni Jardin’s first boss Jason Calacanis

Peter Diamandis seems always in the mix. Now, he’s partnered with Erik Prince on Vaxxinity with Diane Murphy, the PR lady.

Sponsored by… one of Jeffrey Epstein’s slush non-profits! The year he was in prison!

We have old Rupert Murdoch talking about the new relationship between government and business. This did not age well…

We have some Anthony Scaramucci Skybridge Capital Group LLC talking about the changing landscape of alternative asset management. Interesting. #china #china #china

Little bit of Isabel Maxwell. Again, the year Epstein went to prison but her sister did not (2009).


Talking about the next generation of venture capital with Kara Swisher 😂😂😂

We have some Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s future Treasurer, talking about jump starting the housing market moderated by Fox Business Network!

And yes of course the casino mobbed up Steve Wynn talking about the future of Las Vegas.

Isabel Maxwell talking about incubating solutions in Israel while her sisters ex-flame doing time for sex trafficking children, and all his buddies are here at Milken.

What would we do without Greg Wyler and his satellite system? JFC!!!

I guess Greg Wyler was transforming Africa or something something.

My favorite, a meeting with Jeffrey Epstein funded Melanoma Research Alliance right before energy and the Middle East!

Heavily attended by BlackRock of course.

Reminder: Milken acquired KinderCare five years later. Gross gross gross.…

The future of the conservative movement brought to you by Andrew Breitbart! You don’t say!!! Huh. You know, founder of Breitbart with Netanyahu…

Frank Luntz. Current player in the madness of the day. Dirty foreign money of course.

Let’s not underplay the role of China in this event please, as the China-Israeli relationship is playing out in a pretty effed up way as we speak.

Hey Steve Jurvetson - did this event happen before are after Newt Gingrich was financially backed by Draper Fisher Jurvetson? Oh that’s right, it happened three years before Newt Gingrich was running for President of the United States. #chinesemoney

And there is Xeni Jardin’s first boss Jason Calacanis, mentee of John Brockman, chatting about social networking in the political world with Obama’s external director for Obama For America. Bryan Campen, did you work for him?

Ahhh and of COURSE we have Leon Black of Apollo Management talking about where risks meets opportunity for private equity. This is the best preserved, worst content time capsule ever.

Right before Frank Luntz, a former Newt Gingrich lackey. Makes sense.

And that concludes my Tweet storm for today. China/Israel/Left/Right/Up/Down. Wow, Mnuchin - you have 85 feature films backed by China? That’s really something. Have a nice day!

For full transparency, I whistleblew Silicon Valley behavior in 2017 (which seemed to have a political slant amongst other things).…

When I did this in 2017, Alex Lightman (who worked with China on IPV6 and was connected to Steve Bannon and Brock Pierce and supported Trump) slammed me horribly publicly while defending HARVEY WEINSTEIN.

It is starting to make more sense. Guys - your peace in the Middle East plan sucked, so it seems.

He has since deleted this message after publicly posting it to his large audience, while a supporter of Trump, Brock Pierce, and Steve Bannon. This is the end of his post - filled with lies - while defending Steve Jurvetson.

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