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Mar 13, 2022, 9 tweets

For all the folks calling @oryxspioenkop and our list biased in favor of Ukraine, we spend multiple hours today going through four pieces of film to determine if a Russian loss was the same or not.

Others would've counted them as separate entities, but we did not.

The four pieces of film/footage include

A) Picture of a heavily damaged 9A331 TLAR from Telegram;
B) Video showing a burning 9A331 TLAR;
C) Screenshot from a TikTok video showing a glimpse of a Tor TLAR;
D) Another screenshot showing a Tor TLAR quite a distance away.

Step 1:

We compared the TikTok video (C) to the film showing a Tor TLAR in the distance (D). These were match.

Step 2:

Next, we geolocated the TikTok video (C) and confirmed its location. We already knew of other losses in the area; seven T-72B tanks were lost in that area, coordinates can be seen below.

Step 3:

We geolocated the burning 9A331 TLAR (B) and compared it to the TikTok film (C), these too were a match.

Step 4:

At last, we compared the psychical constants such as markings, painting, and other attributes that can't be easily changed, of the burning 9A331 TLAR (B) to the heavily damaged and looted 9A331 TLAR (A), unsurprisingly these also matched.

These four pieces of footage show one single 9A331 TLAR of a Tor-M1 system. It took some time to confirm this, and not just from Oryx and me, but also others like @Rebel44CZ and @azyakancokkacan and many, many more.

As a side note, we're also working on trying to determine the affiliation of not just this Tor, but all other Russian Tor system losses.

Not just divisional, but regimental or even battalion-level subordination. Tor is a valuable asset and not numerous. Each loss is a win for🇺🇦

The same applies to any other lost Russian kit part of their Integrated Air Defense System (IADS), like Strela, Osa, Pantsir, Tunguska, and Buk etc. All are valuable.

However, they're more numerous and harder to pinpoint, Tor is not. But this is for the future.

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