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Oct 16, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read

Russian air defenses at Belgorod airport failed marvelously today. What appears to be the SAM-launcher itself got struck directly, perhaps a TELAR struck by HARM. White smoke clouds can be indicative of rocket fuel going ablaze. But I'm not seeing the "sparks", in conjunction with white smoke, usually associated with their detonation.
Oct 16, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
What guidance methods do shahed-136 and shahed-131 use? Do they have any datalinks that enable re-attacks? Internally, both aircraft appear to be equipped with a GNSS-transceiver (likely GPS). Externally both seem to lack any terminal homing apparatuses.

Aug 17, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Looks like the Ukrainians retrofitted an S-60 anti-aircraft artillery gun with a siemens simatic control panel.

Notice the arrows on the four lower buttons. They likely actuate the gun, moving it up, down, left, right. Likely by means of some hydraulic actuators and a PLC. Nice. This is very clever, perhaps overkill when manual actuation is also possible (notice all the wheels and cranks), but still very clever and cool. I love it!
Aug 16, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read

TASS and other Russian channels are lying cunts. The original S-400 deal signed back on April 11, 2017 was to include two squadrons consisting of four 'batteries' (rather battalions) with eight TEL, two radars and one command post each.… In 2019, Turkey received all the equipment and weaponary to arm two battalions, so one Squadron.

Based on OSINT this can be concluded, they have enough radars and TEL to arm ONE squadron. The second squadron was supposed to be delivered in 2020, but that never happened (I think)
Aug 10, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
:) "U.K. Royal Navy destroyer HMS Defender, USS Laboon and Dutch frigate HMNLS Evertsen take station for close proximity sailing as a Russian warship watches from afar (rear of picture) in the Black Sea on June 17, 2021. US Navy Photo"…
Aug 10, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
"In twenty-seven of thirty-three engagements against fixed wing aircraft (82%), AWACS provided target information and identification before U.S. fighters detected enemy aircraft." Gulf War 1991.

"Crowd-funded Yaesu and Baofeng radios." Special Military Operation 2022. Jokes aside, Russian Su-25SM3 and Su-34 pilots are literally using US-made civilian grade GPS systems and unencrypted civilian radios to perform ground attack missions.

This is literally happening lmao.
Aug 9, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Jul 13, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
*Tankies and Copelords explaing how the T-62M with it's composite armor, manual loader, and; rusty and cramped interior is superior than T-8BVM and T-72B3* Btw this is not a joke, partially.

There are legit people online stating how T-62M has improved survivability due to the manual loader and composite armor compared to early T-72 we've seen in Ukraine lmao.

I need a tetanus shot from just watching that video lol.
Jul 12, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
The acquisition of Iranian drones by Russia is an interesting event, if true.

Iran has cheap and near disposable UCAVs like Mohajer-6 and Ababil-3, but also loitering munitions like Ababil-2, Ababil-T, and a lot more. ImageImageImageImage Iran also has a very large stockpile of various cruise and short range/tactical ballistic missiles, but their delivery is highly unlikely.

Assuming the drones get delivered, which I also doubt, I don't think it will change the course of the war drastically.
Jun 30, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The more I think about it, the more I want something like MkVI in Ukraine.

An asset with relatively long-range endurance and good ISR capabilities, yet itself being hard to spot and engage, for real time and constant sea monitoring. NATO ISR assets such as RQ-4, P-8, and RC-135 are fun and games, but the Black Sea is still big.

Maybe I'm underestimating how much coverage they have and how much they "see", but I feel like a dozen sea-borne patrol craft with good optics and other sensors could do no harm.
Jun 30, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
The Russian ministry of defence reportedly states Russian forces on Snake Island have retreated.

Reportedly as an act of goodwill after successfully finishing their assigned duties. I highly doubt thats the reason they pulled out...:) Hahaha

This is amazing. So much for reinforcing the island with all kinds of GBAD and other assets. It was all in vain.
Jun 28, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
Also, if I'm not mistaken this is the third type of anti-ship cruise missile, with secondary land-attack capabilities, used by the Russian military in Ukraine.

Previously Kh-35U (SS-N-25 Switchblade) from Bal CDS and P-800 Oniks (SS-N-26 Stallion-2) were used. All are subpar. I had previously addressed how Kh-35U is a subpar solution to targeting assets on land.

It seems like Kh-35U(E) has GNSS guidance, but the original Kh-35(E) lacked that also. It's nick-named 'Harpoonski' for a reason...
Jun 27, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
What I love about NASAMS are the missiles.

Baseline NASAMS has AIM-120B, C5, or C7 missiles (left); and if the customer requires it can use AMRAAM-ER and AIM-9X Block II (right).
Jun 25, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Leonardo's 76/62 Sovraponte absolutely rocks. I love this platform so, so much. The integrally mounted STRALES system for DART ammunition and non-deck penetrating design make this a formidable CIWS.

I have one gripe, it's name. ImageImage Call me ignorant, but man the name does not rock. All the other big naval guns Leonardo has, I love their names. 127/64 Light Weight and 76/62 Super Rapid both sound great in English.

I hope Leonardo's marketing team comes up with a cool English name for savroponte.
Jun 25, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read

First time I'm seeing this missile being used in any conflict. Pictured below is "Product 305E", it's export counterpart. I believe the Russian model has a 25km range, IIR-seeker and real time man-in-the-loop capabilities. ImageImage Here's another video of the missile being used.
May 18, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
This is what targeted misinformation looks like. A beautiful example how facts are manipulated to suit an alternate agenda.

Down below a tweet from Abdullah Ağar, a Turkish defence and security expert and media personality. He makes regular appearances on Turkish TV. He explicitly says in his tweet a Swedish made AT-4 anti-tank weapon was captured from the PKK.

He says this weapon was used to kill "Mehmetçik" which is Turkish slang for "Turkish soldier".
May 16, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
That or it's just another day in the office, for Russian military's ammunition storage is...not good hahaha.

See this blogpost from 2013:… In the past, in Volvograd one could find abandoned tanks and artillery pieces on a somewhat regular basis.

I recall something similar happening in Perm a few times.…
May 13, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
What I love about OSINT is the ability to understand an engagement or battle in chronological order, as a mere civilian.

Here's an example from Snake Island, from May 12th. By means of Landsat 8-9, Sentinel-2 L1C, and MAXAR we can get a decent understanding of what is going on. May 12th:

Pic 1 - 08:44:14 UTC, Serna-class LCU sailing north of the Island.

Pic 2 and 3 - XX:XX:XX, burning debris east of the Island, with a Serna-class LCU investigating it.

Pic 4 - 09:07:38 UTC, burning debris, with no Serna-class in sight at sea.
May 12, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Let's see if any rotten governments within NATO will try to torpedo the vote...

I highly suspect not, but no (positive) statement re Finland or Sweden joining could be perceived as not wanting them in. They may not veto their joining, but may not be fully onboard either. Not what I expected. Erdoğan is outright vetoing Finland and Sweden joining.
May 9, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
What did Putin just say?

He said Western countries first threatened to use nuclear weapons...bro what? In what paralel universe does Putin live??? I'm paraphrasing here of course not quoting him, but it was something along those lines.

His whole speech was trying to justify the invasion of Ukraine. Saying "we had no choice" etc.
May 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Between April 30th and May 7th, Ukrainian TB2 UCAVs have hit and destroyed nine Russian ground based A2/AD assets and naval vessels on Snake Island.

The Ukrainians have systematically destroyed Russians assets on the Island and have also successfully destroyed reinforcements. Most interestingly are todays Russian losses: a Serna-class landing craft and SA-15 Gauntlet air defense system. The Gauntlet was either a reinforcement or replacement for the sustained losses.

Satellite imagery confirms the Serna and Gauntlet were lost between May 6ht and 7th.